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How is dude a pro cant even take a single punch 😂
That was bullshit
Working at Walmart has never looked better ( says the guy asking to be saved from getting another fist to the face ) 🤣🥴
… What Is it Mike Tyson Said About Everyone has a Plan Until They get Punched in the Face….
Beyond pathetic, Maybe he should try a different sport like fishing
Jimmy 'The Birdman' Smith: "Hold my boxing gloves" 😂😂😂
Got caught cold with a flush left hand on the temple.
It happens.
"Worst boxing debut of all time……"
Feel like people need to look up Jimmy Smith before making those kind of statements!
Should be the "The Best Debut.."
He’s gonna need some suicide prevention
Professional debut??? You learn how to handle such an opening round as an amateur, I hope this is his last fight or he returns to the amateur circuit to gain that experience as this should have happened at least 8 times as an amateur,
Such an opening teaches you to keep a distance to prevent the opponent charging at you or at least use the ring to tire the opponent out,
I hate getting hit but thats the sport and my dude wasnt ready lol
Anxiety can ruin a lot of fighters in opening rounds, some control it better than others.
He's not even french 😮
Boxing is such a brutal business.
The winner is Tony bates he is Irish…. Big t… What a man
with his trucks saying “suicide prevention”, yet he gave in so easily
Dude knew it was suicide so he was just preventing it
It takes guts to get in the ring
If your going to fight don’t waste people’s time and actually fight. It is better to be beaten brutally than to quit in boxing.
That was Quick, but He might have known he broke something in his face pretty badly. If I knew my orbital socket was totally shattered I’d have em throw the towel in too
Bro didn't know Jorge Kawahgi exists💀
Uhm….WHAT??!! 😂🤦🏽♂️💀
Love to see some of these keyboard warriors have the bollocks to step into the ring, it takes courage that most men walking this earth could only dream of having.
I hate to see people rip him calling him pathetic. He had balls to get in there.
Well that was embarrassing 😂😂
why’d he throw the towel on the first round
If these guys are professional boxers then I really messed up not going into boxing.
Threw the towel right at him😂
Yeah tbf though he's there to be beat, he's probably not trained much, and fighting a bigger guy with actual ability lmao it's ridiculous that these fights are sanctioned by the board tbh, be like me going outside seeing a little old alcoholic and hammering him. It's not something you'd do aye
He gets hit for the first time. Thinks to himself "ow!, please dont do that again."
Bro what 😭
Stepping into the ring takes balls and respect no matter your ability
It’s also one of 3 loneliest places to be
1 a school playground
2 a prison cell
3 a boxing ring
If your cut out to fight your not cut out to fight it’s a dangerous place to find out though
It's like he messed up on the boss battle really early on and then decided to restart
He must've had an injury.
Came in with sparkling trunks that said “suicide prevention” 😂
he tried to hug the ref at the end lol
This is similar to the old "start and park" strategy in NASCAR.
If blue shorts wouldve thrown the overhand or straight left it wouldve landed. It was there. The other guy stood straight-up.
Probably his friend and he was helping him set up his record.
I mean I guesse he possibly got hit in the back of the head? Idk man hard to find excuses for this 😂
I saw more guts in high school fights. This pussy took two licks and said "fuck this shit, I'm done" 🤣🤣🤣
Poor guy looks like he's in tears.
The guy was 2-0 who lost
White shorts fight like a nigga🤣
Does anyone know the name of this boxing promotion?
Some people aren't cut out to box
The man knew when enough was enough. He tried and failed miserably, but at least he tried, and that's more than what most of us can say.