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@Ramon Sims – Whose delusional now? – I see you deleted you're post calling me delusional for saying Savannah would beat Franchon Crews, so I thought I would remind you what you said. Funny isn't it.😂😂
Well done SAVANNAH!! All those belts will be heavy, but you can handle it! All she did was want to tie you up and wrestle. You are DEFINITELY the more precise puncher 🤘🥊🥊🥊🥊💙💙💙💙🥷🏼🥷🏼🥷🏼🥷🏼
What a shame she cant even let a great trainer like Peter talk without butting in , gonna be a great night Savannah in 8 🥊💥🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
Security on face offs were clueless
Marshall on points 👊
Crews has No Skill !!! Marshall has No Hope !!!
That was great fun. I think the Marshall is technically the better boxer of the two. Crews-Dezurn will probably be stronger. Should be a good fight, I expect Marshall to win a close decision, maybe get a late stoppage if she is fit enough.
Peter Fury speaks sense.
Marshall needs to keep space between the lines and load up on power shots to slow the gobby yank up a bit jab her head of and then blast her with body shots the yank looks slow take it easy and pick her of at long range easy nights work and pick up all those belts
Stamina is going to be the difference in this fight Savannah wins and the only way she can lose is if she gets hit with that right if she can avoid it, she wins
Smash This Northern Trash Baby Girl!!!! 😂
LOL The problem with that statement 'Shields took Marshall's soul but Crews will close the casket is that the soul is already out the casket before it's closed.😉
I for one, will be watching savannah get dog walked on saturday. C'mon mates we all know she is as soft as they come. Franchon is about to beat ole girl like Toby!
Big baby miller vs Marshall should be a good one
Even johnny Nelson acknowledged Wyatt is here on vacation
Watched this and the presenter was going on about an amazing card!! Look at the odds of the B sides!! Wyatt is a 12-1 shot in a 2 horse race and Shalom says it's a 50/50!! Absolute Corruption at its best like the Mexicans do with the WBC
"She took your soul" 😮😢
"I had two weeks, you had TEN MONTHS" 🔥😮🔥 IM sweating 🥵
"I'm better than you" she also said to Claressa Shields 😂
Passion versus Privilege
Still don’t get why Jonas is fighting someone everybody knows she ll beat
Still maintaining Savannah's name off the shoulders of Claressa Shields
Creighton can’t really say anything else. Deep down he knows he’s cannon fodder Simpson will annihilate him brutally.
Brit’s hating on Franchon’s self confidence because it’s coming from Franchon not Marshall. It makes their skin crawl because they can’t handle.