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Froch is old , I reckon Jake Paul would knock him out now
Wicked channel
Enjoyed that
Happy Birthday Carl
As an aesthetic surgean i can tell you that eddie had a hair transplant years ago or is wearing an expensive wig
Carl Froch's interview style is to ask the interviewee to talk about Carl Froch. Hilarious
Did everyone know aj was getting 60m against wilder or did Hearn let it slip
That hat is odd
10 Bakewell Avenue cracking house
🇨🇮 🇨🇮 🇨🇮
Arise Sir Edward of Hearn
Fuck me it's all about froch
that was fantastic. Keep them coming bud!
Froch and Jordan the only guys asking the rights questions and calling out the bullshit. Enjoying Froch behind the mic. Keep it going Froch 👏👍🇮🇪
i was at the bute fight – thanks to tickets from someone who knew Carl, fantastic seats and an amazing night
Eddie loves the sound of his own voice 🤣🤣🤣 jesus christ
Carl me me me 🤦♂️😂
Absolutely loved your interview with Simon Jordan and couldn't agree more with everything you said. Always great listening to straight talk.👊
2 proper massive Fannie’s Conor would slap froch cold and Ellerbe would stomp that silver spoon prick btw i fkd Rachel about 4x back in days.. Eddies wife’s average lol
Froch looks like DJ beats from people just do nothing in this
I'm quite surprised at how this chat started off and how it actually went to be honest. Two massive egos, both very outspoken, hugely opinionated, but it was actually a pretty decent chat given what Froch has been saying recently which is part to help get his channel moving a bit and the rest just natural Carl Froch.
Not that he's ever held back on saying what he thinks. I like the fact that he still says pretty much what he wants to even though he is working with Sky. 🐍
Fucking love the kobra man legend of the game, pretty sure he knocked a guy out in front of 80 thousand people at wembley or something
Marv the sticky bandit
Sorry to say but Eddie hearn is one funny cunt sometimes 🤣🤣🤣
Frochs questions are all about him….😂 Then trys to answer all is own questions….
Eddie "David Brent" Hearn
This goes down as a historic interview, absolutely hilarious. 😂
Eddie has backpedalled today on the AJ 60 million talk, clearly let that slip 🤐