How to sound smart in your TEDx Talk | Will Stephen | TEDxNewYork

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In a hilarious talk capping off a day of …

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  • Oanh Ngô Thị 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • I think I learned something

    MillerSharp 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • Marketing Brasi

    Ana Paula 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • Wow! Yeah, but it works on morons.

    Senza Nome 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • Say nonsense
    People watching: 😂😂😂

    breno assis 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • とりののとりの 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder

    Rodrigo Loppe 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • This is actually very important in public speaking. Not just in public speaking, even just in class reporting. Even if you got something wrong, stay confident. You are the reporter/speaker; You're supposed to be the leader of information gathering.

    Folium Viride 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • when you can sumarise the entire class with just a word, "physicss"

    official - Aditya Dixit 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • 博隆 榎本 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • Me watching this on YouTube with the sound off

    Midnight_Dragon 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • That was definitely one of the talks of all time

    UpHigherMusic 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • That's right we all sat through an ad to watch… Nothing.


    Ranakade 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • TED accidentally dabbing on themselves by showing how you can talk about literally nothing and sound smart of you phrase it correctly

    Jake Griffith 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • alguien que me resuma el video plisss porque nose ingles xddd 🤣

    Juan esteban Ramos rojas 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • cringy

    Andrew Strom 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • 2.6 million though

    Z Malevo 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • How to be a nerd 😂

    Fight-Flow21 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • Even though he said "nothing" , it was very inspirational 💀💀

    Ananya Gupta 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • 3:08 and now, every time I failed or got pushback was when I didn't go through the BS and just cut to the end. It's all about telling a story or entertaining 🤔

    James Dean 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • that was awesome

    Robby Monaco 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • Really amazing. Theaching how, just doing how.

    Leandro M. Silva 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • 0:18 Hear that? That’s nothing. 0:24 Which is what I, as a speaker at today’s conference, have for you all. I have nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zippo. 0:38 Nothing smart. Nothing inspirational. Nothing even remotely researched at all. I have absolutely nothing to say whatsoever. And yet, through my manner of speaking, I will make it seem like I do. Like what I am saying is brilliant. And maybe, just maybe, you will feel like you’ve learned something.

    Now, I’m going to get started with the opening. I’m going to make a lot of hand gestures. I’m going to do this with my right hand, I’m going to do this with my left. I’m going to adjust my glasses. And then I’m going to ask you all a question. By a show of hands, how many of you all have been asked a question before? Okay, great, I’m seeing some hands. And again, I have nothing here.

    Now, I’m going to react to that and act like I’m telling you a personal anecdote. Something to break the tension. Something to endear myself a little bit. Something kind of embarrassing. And you guys are going to make an “aw” sound. It’s true. It really happened.

    And now I’m going to bring it to a broader point. I’m going to really beckon. I’m going to make it intellectual. I’m going to bring it to this man right here. Now, what this man did was important, I’m sure. But I, for one, have no idea who he is. I simply googled image the word “Scientist.”

    And now you see, I’d like it to seem like I’m making points, building an argument, inspiring you to change your life, when in reality, this is just me… buying… time… Now, if you don’t believe me, let’s take a look at the numbers. This is a real thing that’s happening right now. The number of talks that I’m giving is one. Interesting facts imparted thus far in said talk, well, that’s going to be a zero.

    My height in inches is 70.5. Note the .5 there. 2×6 equals 12. And then interestingly enough 6×2 also equals 12. That’s math. 352 is a three-digit number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and then almost immediately following that we get 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Now, to add more filler here, I’m going to give you a couple more number to consider, uh … 18. 237. 5,601. 2.6 million. Four. Four. 24. Staggering! These are real numbers, all of them.

    れいや 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder

    Ahmed Mohamed 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • I love this! I laughed and enjoyed this, but actually thought he was a genius at storytelling. His body language and inflection were perfect, as if he was speaking confidently. Respect!🎩

    Zeit 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • Why are you making fun of Sam Vaknin. I just sent him this video Some of us actually do follow Sam's intelligence Sorry most of the population has such an average IQ that they mob together and make sarcastic comments about discussions they don't understand. Shame on you and your cult.

    Trust in Synchronicity 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • Me In 8th grade when i had to present 😂😂

    Geeil 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • TEDと言えば登録者数より再生数の方が圧倒的に少ないことで有名❤この有名な動画もしかり❤登録しただけでは賢くはならない❤見よう❤

    n n 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder
  • We have to say a speech in the style of a TED talk at my school and this is actually very helpful

    Gift 21 de setembro de 2023 10:41 Responder

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