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Ya no las hacen como Shania
I hope your ready profitess
Go Shania Twain
Im ontario girl with autisum was a little drugie drinkie lol i turned my life around im now 25 i have car 2 bedroom in orange county work McDonald's i have a green car mini and godmom in califorina mailbu work christmas open up gifts early morning i have a pool and park fitness room want to have a meetgreet at home and swim and fitness room orange county califorina i have mental health health issues and i am using suicide p lifeline and doctor on demand
You remember when women had normal asses and no creaky voice
Quando eu encontrar um amor pra mim, tem que ser bonzinho eu só quero assim…
Every time I hear Shania Twain I think of Hank Schrader from Breaking Bad when he says “and I wish Shania Twain would give me a tuggie.” 🤣🤣🤣
This is my aunts favorite song whenever i play this song she turns the radio right up
He wasn't on time he should have none I will always listen to music till the day I die deanna souders
essa e a musica de ensaio da minha escola
Holy fuck she was hot, and that voice bawgawd
Had a Crush on her when I was 10. Now I’m 37 and think she’s a Hot Cougar ! 🥰😀
Puma kaileywant a ride
Any man of mine I'm gonna go to the bar deanna souders so see ya I might be back tomarrow
She was so hot good lord
Cuando Shania era country…. 😊😊
I remember when this song cMe out i knew all of the words and still do and when me and my cousin and her husband went to the bar and this song came on the juckbox and i sung to every word to it and my ex boyfriend then would sit there and watch me sing the song lmfao
It's hard to believe that someone with this much talent and Beauty could be depressed singer on The Today Show while back and she fights depression anxiety mental illness is real in America and we need to address this stuff and we need to seriously I mean seriously get back into Jesus Jesus can fix it all if you just go to him I don't know how America has gotten away from God but it has and more and more people are leaving Christianity and it's sad because when Judgment Day comes there's going to be a lot of disappointed people for a long time we have to get God back in her heart and if he's in a heart then he'll be in our lives
Her ex husband absolutely fumbled the damn bag
O am a man mu daughter needs a strong female presence
Shania l love you 😊
Mutt Lange is such a dumbass for cheating on this woman.
Qual é a .musica maestro😅
Resfrescola de coca gelar😂😂❤😊
Refresc cola de coca cola😂
ONLY TIME high rise mom jeans where hott…the 90s
Go go go for it lady
very funny. This is the real femenism the natural kind
Shania l love you 😊
Sharing always 💯
You are so pretty iam a boy though.
She is a true Canadian!! Like myself!
Wow, she's almost 60 and looks in her 40s, not alot of ppl know about what she has been through, she's gone through lyme disease, and dysphonia. And yet through all of that, shes still gorgeous AF and still has a beautiful voice, i never want her to leave this world, everyone should experience this wonder of a human, but everything comes to and end. <3 u so much Shania. Edit: YES I LIKE MY OWN COMMENT
Good Lord
Son sapris mum dad gon knot my mum change my ass friend better job care mum respect
Also on another note, Do-si-do strain put me to sleep everytime.
I do not listen to sa lot women's music, but she got it!
2023 here and we still appreciate this Beaty ❤❤
Essa música me trás tanta lembrança🥺😭
Shania goood mornig
canadian wonder women 😂
Love this video music 🎶
2023 and she still the most beautiful one around the 🌎❤
Shes a goodess