Emotional Eating: What if Weight Loss Isn't about the Food? | Tricia Nelson | TEDxWestMonroe

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  • These days I think having the "spoons" to even be mindful enough to intercept any automatic actions of eating away a feeling is a LUXURY. I've got bigger fish to fry!!

    Jessie Allen 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder
  • Oh great – now I'm going to be questioning every time I go for some food… Am I actually hungry or am I trying to repress my emotions?

    Nora Harper 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder
  • Great to see your videos. You also add beautiful graphics and videos. Which programs do you use to add these graphics and infographics?

    Aryana Smith 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder
  • Laughed when Tricia said she hoped she'd get a disease and lose weight without dieting. I hoped to catch a tape worm that would let me eat and eat and get thinner.

    Evie C 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder
  • 4:55 steps to help

    BYYY Yep 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder
  • Kudos for the power of your first-person narration. Fantastic.

    Chris Lee 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder
  • Food can be such an easy way to comfort, especially if it's been a part of your cultural upbringing there are so many inbuilt positive responses. It's when food becomes the only thing that comforts us that it's a problem

    Kendra's Room 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder
  • Can we also talk about neuro-divergent people who binge eat and love high sugar high carb foods because they're constantly looking for a dopamine hit?

    Selitude 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder
  • I mean let's be honest here people who hasn't eaten cookies out of the bin?

    Rylee Finn 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder
  • When I don't have chips or chocolate it's like I can't focus on anything else. Even if I don't exactly enjoy the taste I get obsessed and nothing else matters….

    Robert Alexander 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder
  • I was an emotional eater. I lost over a hundred pounds with minimal effort after an emotional event that would appear to be a tragedy, but was a blessing for me. I wrote an essay about it, but there is a trigger warning; do not click on the post below if you are triggered by child abuse.

    Quarter Acre Adventures 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder
  • oh the truth.

    Zack Pinonet 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder
  • My house mate and I have been trying to help each other with this – just last night she heard me open a bag of chips as i was watching something – supposedly she heard the movie say some line (obviously struck a chord within me) and went straight for the chips!

    Gemma Atterks 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder
  • 11

    K O 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder
  • Thoroughly appreciating the visuals she uses through this, made it a lot easier for me to retain this info, which I really need!

    Kirk Slapete 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder
  • I can't help but be annoyed by this title. On the one hand like… OF COURSE WEIGHT LOSS IS ABOUT FOOD it absolutely comes down to calories in vs calories out and the calories in is based on food. On the other hand after listening for a few minutes I understand she means that eating disorders and unhealthy relationships aren't about the food and just enjoying it too much… which I completely agree on. Food dependency and BED (binge eating disorder) have everything to do with how we feel about ourselves.

    Laurens Tynes 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder
  • So many people have unhealthy relationships with food, it's not just the ladies. Hopefully men will start having the courage to talk about it too

    Victor Firsov 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder
  • whatever microphone wasn't muted in the background really ruined this great speech.. nothing like mumbling and sniffing into the mic

    Klee Cid 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder
  • I've abused my body and medicated myself with fast food because it works for me. It soothes my anxiety and it's easily available.

    Liza Zotova 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder
  • Truth, good talk Tricia

    thomas powell 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder
  • and this is why we have a revolving door in most ED sections in mental health hospitals… It's one of the hardest habits to break I Think

    Duncan Hopp 17 de dezembro de 2022 00:01 Responder

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