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Dak2 class leadership…jawapan start kt 2:00
Thank u
Extraordinary video. Thank you!
βγαζει νοημα
The question is that, how can we develop these kind of leaders and why do they choose to sacrifice?
This made me shed tears
But most people have no clue what safety means. They push others to do the most reckless things and call it safety. Whilst the most safest activities are called unsafe. Trust your own judgement on what is safe and what is not, not other people's advice. It is biased, not realistic.
My boss pretends to be like that…. With his mouth…. Not with his actions.
Very profound & Honest.
Sir Sinek. They make you feel safe because they communicate from the depth from their heart. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Thank You Sir Sinek.
The wisdom in this content initiated significant personal development. A similar book I read was a profound journey. "The Hidden Empire: Inside the Private Worlds of Elite CEOs" by Adam Skylight
Sending you all love, light,enlightenment, positive affirmations, and hugs that heal. ❤🎉❤
Well, that Mother Teresa reference didn't really aged well.
Excellent . I beleive in that . I need improve this habits…
Quite marvellously interesting. I can confidently say I worked for a strong leader in business one time in my life. Only once. And it made me rethink a lot of things about leadership and charisma. Georges Karam is his name.
did anyone else hear the change in his accent around 1:08
American drama 😹
How clearly this man conveys!
This is exactly why it's so hard for women to see men as leaders. We don't feel safe around them!
Well Simon is absolutely correct and the way he explained the difference between leader vs authority is great. But in the real world if you pick any big company around you , can you say they are run by leaders and not authority ? Are they really treating their subordinates like human being ? Aren't they preferring profit over employees job security ? Answer would be no.
Such a wonderful talk
You Americans are sick people. You praise and honor soldiers who kill babies and children? What was this 'hero' doing in a foreign country in the first? Protecting American economic interest? You disgust me to the core.
wondering what Elon Musk laughs about this
wow ! this is very on point! Thanks Simon !
Six years ago I watched this video while I was contemplating a difficult decision. After watching it, I resigned from a very high paying job rather than firing others as I had been told to do. I never looked back. It changed my life for the better.
I've always thought that Simon was very intellectual ….
Very well said and explained by Simon. Makes a lot of sense.
Очень познавательно! Спасибо! Я такие выводы сделала с опытом,когда мной управляли те,кто выжимал из меня все,кто присваивал себе мои достижения. Я благодарна им за уроки. Я выросла. К сожалению,спикер прав в том,что лидеров мало,но у нас есть шанс это исправить❤
"If you had hard times in your family, would you ever consider laying off one of your children?" Hey, parental units, don't get any ideas!
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
00:12 🏅 Leadership and Heroism
03:04 🌍 The Evolution of Trust and Cooperation
06:19 💼 Sacrificing Numbers for People
08:14 💔 Leadership Choices in Times of Crisis
10:36 🇺🇸 Marines and Sacrificial Leadership
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learning Investment?