What Should We BIND & LOOSE on Earth/Heaven? LIVE Q&A, Sept. 7, 2023

On this week’s live Q&A, David’s lead question is, “Are there other ways to use “Binding and Loosing” than solving disputes, as in …

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  • Sorry, for being rough, I was specting to learn something that is not easily found in google, it makes it worse the fact that you haven't even say anything about John 20:23 "If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.”, this verse contrasts with that you have said in your long answer. There is, on the other hand, a scripture in the Old Testament were God discipline the levites who were infected with pagan customs (Ezekiel 44), allowing them to continue serving in the outer court and as gatekeepers (Ezekiel 44:11), but not ministering directly to Him. Gatekeepers have the keys, right? Sorry for my speling, English is not my native language

    Denise Ingrid Brickel 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • Too looooong to say so little.

    Denise Ingrid Brickel 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • Love you david <3

    QuinKrishna 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • I have been using your commentary for years. Your commentary is my go to. Thank you!

    Pursue In Prayer 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • @1.03:00 The Word for Circle in the Bible does not means sphere. Isaiah knew the difference when he used different words for Circle and Ball and as a Bible Teacher you should know the difference too.

    Papschmoo 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • Thank you Pastor David.‼️✝️👍❤️

    Scott Garland 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • In Act 19:13-20, we see an example of brothers misusing and misrepresenting the power of Jesus to exercise authority over a demon as sport only to be overpowered by it. Even demons in this passage know who walk with the authority of Jesus and who do not. To be brazen and ignorant to evil is to be spiritually immature and and not well versed in the Word. God tells us in Romans 16 to be innocent to things of evil. God has gifted some through the work of the Holy Spirit to deal with such matters of demonic influence, but it is a work of God not man.

    Beth D 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • 💪👑✝️📖🕊🙏🫡🛡⚔️🤜💥🤜💥⛓️👿💥🤺

    dren168 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • I'm so grateful for The Enduring Word. It is my go-to for helping my study and understanding the Word! Thank You!🙏

    justaColoradogirl 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • We "bind and loose" by our life of love. Evil flees or is bound when we love as He lived. The Holy One is loosed as we love "in Him."

    dean johnston 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • Thank you so much! Bless you!

    Nicole 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • You help me understand so much. Thank you

    Malinda Vanhoy 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • Thank you Pastor David for the effort you have made for so many years to help us all to better understand the word of God. Could you please explain what it means to "plead the blood of Jesus" This is often used in a supernatural way to assure the protection. People may plead the blood of Jesus over their home or even personal possessions. Thank you

    joanna bennett 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • How should I respond to my church doing a “loot & scoot” event Halloween night? This is the enemy’s high day. There are many coven’s in our area. Our leaders are wanting to present a welcoming, neighborly atmosphere…..offering a
    safe place for families to get treats & hot chocolate. Isn’t this a mixed message? Compromise? Joining in the
    world’s celebrations?

    Martha Jenkins 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • So many people don't delve into the idea of the flat stationary Earth because they're busy with other studies and they blow it off as such a silly idea but they miss so very much as good as certain people are at certain areas they're always lacking in others Dean odle pastor does an amazing job with a flat Earth with proof with evidence so does Rob skiba. We all have a piece of the pie that's why we're supposed to come together under one God one Spirit one Lord of all share information and not be divided but I would urge anyone who questions the spinning heliocentric model that we've been lied to about to really do some research through Dean odle Rob skiba your own history your own prayer and seeking the past information before the previous 500 years

    Jared Zimmy 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • The Bible absolutely describes a stationary non-rotating non-spherical Earth.
    Through all of the verses that have been used searching back the Greek and Hebrew and all of history up until five hundred plus years ago when NASA was created everyone knew the Earth was stationary it is literally a dome with hell beneath set on pillars literally for Humanity.
    A testing ground whatever you want to call it we are not a spinning heliocentric Globe shooting through endless outer space that idea came from a Jesuit priest concocting the Big Bang which is needed to explain evolution which is needed in conjunction with the spinning heliocentric model. God and the Bible from all research from all understanding from all history from all word searches absolutely does not describe a spinning heliocentric model as we've been lied to from NASA do not be fooled on that one it is hard to break through preconceived notions and the brainwashing we've received. There are so many people that cover this very well as you can see for yourself if you study and look into the history Rob skiba always did a great job with this one

    Jared Zimmy 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • Love the beard!

    Thanks for great teachings!

    JJ Tweet 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • David, you are a treasure. Thanks for all you have done!

    Brandon Wilkinson 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • I'm interested in purchasing your complete Bible commentary. I need an address to purchase it or what store is your commentary available at

    Reginia Hopkins 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • Your bible commentary has been my go to for last 9 years plus! It has been an amazing blessing to me

    WOG 2020 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • Thank you so much for your commentary of de Bible. It is a blessing!

    Paula Pavetto 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • Praise the Lord Jesus Christ Paid it all
    Those who are in Christ
    sin no longer has dominion over us

    jessy jonas 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • Am so blessed by your bible commentaries,God bless!!

    Suja Jacob 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • Thank you Pastor . Love your beard ❤

    Jennifer Kneebone 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • Pastor David, LaNett and I thank God for your gift and willingness to share it.

    I had the thought that the mention of binding and loosing in Matt 16 is even simpler. Jesus knew what would be done and how the church would form. He knew the Spirit would direct rules and formation. Therefore, his comments were not so much granting authority as it was prophetic. Jesus was saying He knew the actions that would be taken, rules, etc, that would be created to contain the church, and those actions were already approved in heaven.

    NCGTLRider 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • Pastor David, I cannot thank you enough for the Enduring Word! For most of my life, whenever I tried to read the Bible, I did not always understand and never felt confident in Bible discussions with those around me. Since reading the Enduring Word with my Bible, I feel like my eyes and mind are finally open and the doors blown open to a whole new experience! I have already shared this with others to gain the same experience. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for this priceless gift! God bless you!

    Amy Munday 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • Thank you so much.
    I have been using your bible comentary app for several years alongside my daily reading and share it with many. ❤🙏

    Caroline Johnson 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • Flat earthers believe the earth is a flat circle… so that verse doesnt do much. Actually if the earth is round then it would be impossible for him to be 'above' it because he would be technically under a certain percentage of people

    alex 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • 10:22 that is cool info, I never knew that's where the idea came from! Thank you for elaborating on this teaching biblically, your efforts are very much appreciated! Will be praying for your ministry, it has been an immense help!

    Revelation 3:7 To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of the One who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What He opens no one can shut, and what He shuts no one can open. (Those keys that Jesus has?)

    JJ 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • I stumbled upon this live today. Praise God for your life Pastor David! Blessed morning! Watching from the Philippines.

    Marife Dones 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • Hi Pastor Dave! So cool that today's Aan-Sophie's Birthday. Because today is my daughter's 23 b-day! God bless you. ☝️🙌🙏

    John Wisener 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • Is false teachings from some Christians to tell other beginning Christians to engaged in a spiritual battle againts Satan. I got attacked by Satan and his demons because of this false teachings. Then I found out that not even the Archangel Michael dare to rebuke Satan. Michael said the Lord rebukes you. Because of this attacked by Satan now I wonder if I am save.

    Alice Z 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • Bind and Loose are Rabbinic terms. It meant to permit or forbid. They were used when a congregation was establishing Halakha. Yeshua was saying in Matthew 18 that whatever decision congregational leaders made regarding the discipling of a member, whatever was allowed or prohibited would be backed up in Heaven. Sadly, misinformed Christians have twisted Matthew 18 into something very unbiblical.

    The reference to two or three gathered together in the name of Yeshua had nothing to do with prayer. It had everything to do with leadership enforcing the rules of that congregation. Matthew 18:15-19 clearly is referencing a brother who has sinned against a fellow congregant, but will not deal with his fault. The good thing is that Yeshua is restoring the proper Jewish context back into the New Testament. 2,000 years of false teaching has greatly damaged the Word of God.

    Shimshon Ben Dan 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder
  • If a man has unbelieving children, can or should he be a pastor?

    Bob 1 de outubro de 2023 04:20 Responder

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