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The issue at the end in Revelation 12 : 17. And or Revelation 14 : 12.
And don't forget …… Revelation 18:23 for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (Pharmakeia) were all nations deceived.
God bless you for your teachings.🙏
LGBTQ and CRT…the Anti-Christ is definitely masquerading as a liberal Democrat.
The persecution and destruction of the Lords people when they are gone the Lords wrath will fall upon the world for judgement just like when Lot was taken out of sadoma and gamora the second he was out fire and brimstone fell upon those cities for deatruction.
25:27 NOT "religious" deception but IDEOLOGICAL deception. Any IDEOLOGY is literally a FALSE RELIGION, has all the characteristics of a religion except it's false by definition. The Bible is talking about POLITICS here. The antichrist will be a POLITICAL LEADER running a militarily powerful country similar to the Roman Empire (the USA? hundreds of bases all over the globe, same expansion strategy the Romans used) trying to IMPOSE a fanatical IDEOLOGY (a false religion) on the rest of the world, by force or DECEPTION or MILITARY COUPS if necessary. Again, sounds like the USA to me, now very clearly trying to impose a satanic agenda to the rest of the world.
Same with "signs and wonders", that is NOT the same as "miracles". The bible is not referring to indian shamans. SIgns and wonders could refer to audiovisual effects (Hollywood?), music festivals, orgiastic pagan festivals like the roman baccanalias and saturnalias ("Pride" events…), and certainly powerful and DECEITFUL POLITICAL PROPAGANDA, etc. etc.
I just discovered DTBM and I can’t get enough! What great information!!
None of the ones that were feed or healed yealed that
May we not be DECEIVED discernment our best weapon to add to God's Truth.
Before condemning the Mormons as false prophets/teachers, maybe you should read the Book of Mormon and understand what it represents? It is a testament of Jesus Christ. Those who are for Jesus Christ with a pure v heart will enter into the millennium. Those against will not. I like your sermons, yet I don't condone your belief about Mormon doctrine.
Here is a sign
So stop worrying about it
One day according to 1st Thessalonians
I will be taken out
Just live for Jesus
A new beginning..
As earth is hell..
So heaven is the new place…
Many will be deceptive because the world is now so narcissistic, prideful, self serving and all lies. Takes the truth to twist it where they are always right in their own mind denying God. They taunt, mock and destroy people taking delight in their deception. They ruin peoples lives enjoying every second of it. Anything that’s evil in God’s eyes they see it as good for them. All psychopaths are narcissists. They have no empathy or sympathy only for their desires. God warns us of these people.
The Bible describes the antichrist as having a fierce countenance,yet speaking mild words of encouragement to deceive. He will speak insincere words of ‘peace and safety’. He might be a religious figure, a politician or billionaire and he may well be secretly gay, as he is described as having no interest in women. He may be Jewish. Catholic, Or perhaps an Islamic (Persian) Imam. He definitely will be a controlling part of a new Global Organisation, perhaps WHO or WEF? He knows and expects Jesus to return and he will do everything in his power to prevent this. Yet he must know the prophecy of jesus’s victory over him,so he intends to persecute Christians and to destroy as many of Gods children as he can. He may well be alive right now…waiting and scheming and plotting via dangerous secretive whispering campaign to undermine our current system of government and finance. He is a man of lawlessness and will he attempt to exert control over every transaction via a digital cashless society? So no one can buy or sell, work or feed your family, travel etc without his mark of authority. Above all, he is deceiving.
2 Thessalonians 2 proves that we are not caught up with Christ unto the anti christ is revealed
Hes referring to Trump 👆
Hello – Each nationality is entitled to its own religion, based on the Truth inherent in all, in their own style. Allah is GOD, not Yahweh or Jesus. All are valid. There is not only one religion, there never has been and there never will be in all eternity. Blessings – RevDrD/Ministry
There is no single sign of the end of the world. But I can tell you that the mark of the beast is tattoos . God gave us beautiful skins and women throughout history wanted to be pretty and beautiful. Now they want to degrade themselves to such an extent that they are literally graffiti rubbish. Why do women degrade themselves? I don’t know.unfortunately their self inflicted scars can ever be erased with
Repair work because there is always the ghost of the repair.
There is no end. Christianity is a myth and unfortunately when we die we have the same end as animals and insects. We are dead and gone!
What was said about the head overing and female pastor issue has been my thought for the longest time. I believe that saying that that doesn't apply to today was the gateway for the mess we're now in. I have been told I'm legalistic.
Reverse Speech: Hidden messages in human communication.
Obama slogan «Yes We Can » when reversed becomes « Thank You Satan »
The pre tribulation rapture is a man made teaching, you sure have the nerve to talk about false teachers.
When you see them rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem on the original site look up your redemption draws near.
The last deception to happen will be through the one world religion when the mark will be enforced. Rev 14;9-11. Satan has people thinking the mark is some chip or tattoo ETC. But it's an issue of false worship which will be forced upon the world before the Lord returns. By the way the A.C. was revealed long ago, the information can be found by looking into the 1260 year prophecy 538-1798. It's the papacy which will have all authority back in the end days.
They can be and have been. I was praying for my unbelieving son in grief and crying plus i was very sick. I had the Holy Spirit, Visions, Jesus was speaking to me audibly, i was saved for works but not saved by works. God does not intervene he allows the enemy just like he did JOB! Anyway i was crying out to Jesus to find a way to save my son. I heard a voice ( sounded just like Jesus) say want to swap places? For a split second i THOUGHT yeah, then cried to Jesus that it was an accident. I went to 6 Pastors asking had i lost my salvation and they said NO! Then i got a migraine a few weeks later and called to Jesus to heal me, Jesus told me to stop calling on him. I had been a believer since i was a child. I lost my salvation. If possible even the elect God means its hard for him to believe!!! Do not believe God is going to protect you from the enemy, he's not. Thats why the bible says in the end times there will be a falling away!!! Deception of the enemy.!!!!
We are here to rebuild the Temple and anoint the King, ie Christians are the stones of the Temple. We are to build a solid temple – strong with trials and testing- this new temple is the church of Christ that will "annoint" Christ as their king of the New kingdom. There are plenty of verses about testing the faith of people. Trials and tribulations refine the followers by use of the unbelievers evil ways.
2thess1 The goal –
4We proudly tell God’s other churches about your endurance and faithfulness in all the persecutions and hardships you are suffering. 5And God will use this persecution to show his justice and to make you worthy of his Kingdom, for which you are suffering. 6In his justice he will pay back those who persecute you.
The restrainer, that which restrains the revealing of the identity of the AC.
2thess2 7 7For this lawlessness is already at work secretly, and it will remain secret until the one who is holding it back steps out of the way.
The one who holds "the curtain" up in front of the AC is Christ . Christ and the AC are behind this "curtain" . The day comes and the curtain drops and Christ's symbolically steps to the side to reveal the antichrist . The revealing comes on the last day upon Christ's coming by the glorious light surrounding Christ.
Timestamp 21:13 one of the saddest things about prophecy is all the destruction caused by not obeying the word and with all the printed Bibles in the world, everyone can be saved.
This is why that small opened scroll that John was given to "eat" tasted sweet but was bitter after he digested it (the prophetic scroll with God's mysterious plan as the one handed to the slain lamb). It was revealed to John but it will not be revealed to us until the end.
The most powerful universal leader is not just one man…. It is the imperfect man. Satan was given authority to conquer and he is ruler of this world. Man- flesh and blood- is the lawless one. It is all one authority , one reign. Man was Gods creation until Satan usurped him. Since Adam , ever man is Satan's by way of the seed of sin. 666 is the mark , the number of a man . Each man . All men. Once you have the holy spirit indwelling (on the throne of the body which is a temple).
The biggest error that man has made was to read prophecy and decipher the meaning and forget that numbers are symbolic as well.
7 years is symbolic. You can put it together with the other 7's in scripture to understand. 3 1/2, 40, 7,10, 12 are all symbolic numbers and some refer to the same numbers in the Old testament that were literal.
False doctrines , falsehoods, lies such as "God will do no harm" etc are the majority of the birth pangs. Falsehood contain many paths to sin.
The falling away must come first before the revealing of the lawless one and the second coming on the Last day. I think he is revealed by Christ's bright light . The AC can not be revealed until he is taken out of the way , otherwise his cover would be blown.
The most scary verse pertains to this. " 2On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness". False prophets and Hippocrates.
I thank God for your ministry Dr Barnett
Awesome teacher
Is this the blueprint of the Tribulation?
–Seal 1 white horse AntiChrist Rev 6:1
–Seal 2 red horse war Rev 6:3
–Seal 3 black horse fammon Rev 6:5
–Seal 4 pale horse death & hell Rev 6:7
AoD?. (I think but idk) Anti Christ starts 2 reign, demands worship, after the AoD..
–Seal 5 martyrs under the alter ask when. Rev 6:9
–Seal 6 earthquake, stars fall, sun black, moon blood Rev 6:12
Rev 6:15-17 announces the wrath of the Lamb
–Seal 7 silence in heaven Rev 8:1
(I expect the rapture during the silence)
–Rev 8:7-10:7 Trumpets
-Rev 13:16 MotB made mandatory.
-Rev 14:1 144,000 Jews sealed
-Rev 16:1 Announces the conclusion of the Wrath of God
–Rev 16:2-16:17 (Vials)
-Rev 17:1 Judgement of Harlet, MotB, & Satan
-Rev. 19 Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Rev 21:1 –22:21EternityNew/Renew Heaven & Earth..And all my fear is that somehow your spirit will be deceived from sincere devotion to Christ, as Eve was deceived by Satan in the garden of Eden.
I know that if someone goes to preach to you about another Jesus than the one we proclaimed to you, or with another spirit other than the Holy Spirit that you have already received, announcing to you another gospel than the one you have already accepted, you, in your naivety, easily will believe everything.
And yet I consider myself in no way inferior to these sublime apostles.
If I'm a weak speaker, in any case I know very well what I'm talking about, and you've already had the proof of that repeatedly, because we've made ourselves known completely.
Have I sinned, humbling myself, that you might be exalted, because I preached the gospel of God to you free of charge?
2 Corinthians 11:3-7
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
I say again, Let no man think me a fool; if otherwise, yet as a fool receive me, that I may boast myself a little.
That which I speak, I speak it not after the Lord, but as it were foolishly, in this confidence of boasting.
Seeing that many glory after the flesh, I will glory also.
2 Coríntios 11:14-18
Christ will intervene if a worldwide massacre is being planned by Gates, (people behind Blackrock), Soros, Bilderberg members, Schwab (WEF) and most of the governments in the world. I think personally we have reached a point of no return and that Christ will blow away all evil and cast in to hell Satan and all his evil helpers (evildoers) with him who are now out for the ruin of souls..
The question that comes to mind concerning Matt. 24:24 regarding the possibility of the elect being led astray… This pastor asserts they can't and he is correct about this particular set of circumstances….. so, in that context it is true. Yet, we must consider the every day teaching that may lead believers astray thus the need for warnings about false teachers: Galatians 1:6-9, 2 Corinthians 11:4,13-15, and Acts 20:29-30. See what The Spirit expressly says about departing from the faith in 1 Timothy 4:1. So, it is very likely that some of the elect will currently be led astray and have to be pulled back… and corrected just as Peter, Jude, and Paul corrected the First Century believers. But if someone seriously departs from the faith then yes, we should think about the Parable of the Sower… asking What was their foundation? May all believers pray for discernment and watch their doctrine closely. -Blessings from Tajji in Tanzania
3rd time I've listened to this wonderful teaching.
Mathew 24. Verily, all of the political dissolution we are witnessing now lead to one thing: the advent of the third temple in Jerusalem to recieve the anti-Christ.
How about the fact that the King James version of the Bible is satanically supernaturally changing and no leader pastor or teacher is talking about it. Ask yourself why. We are staring Daniel 7:25 in the face. Amos 8:11 told us there would be a famine for the word of God and it's happening. But yet none of these teachers notice no one? For those that new scripture King James version check-out 2nd Kings 18: 26, or is Ezekiel 23:20. Adam and Eve were never married and wore aprons. Abraham married Sarah not Hagar. There were no couches in the King James version. Moses carry tablets down the mountain not tables this is just a few of the thousands of changes wake up people? does anybody love the Lord out there? did anybody know his word? Wake up, in Jesus name
It's a World without end, Amen..
Satan works in people like him. The bible plainly tells us the only people who should be teaching are Levites read Malachi and the only place they are accepted is Ysrael Ez.20:40 there's not one pastor outside Ysrael teaching teaching truth. He calls himself a teacher of YHVH 's work but he says there's planets😅 he obviously hasn't read his bible correctly. He also says Yahweh and Jesus. There are no W's in the Yehuda language and there are no J's YHVH'S name never coild have been Yahweh or Jehovah and Yeshua's name could never have been Jesus. Listening to this person will send you to the pit. Yeshua sais in his time even now there are many antichrists. He was talking about people like this. WAKE UP PEOPLE
Im a Christian who has been homeless in Sacramento for 5 Years. For 3 Years I tried to find Help but as you guessed every famous Christian wouldnt lift a finger to Help and 8 average Christians donated a little during this time. The Rest ignored Gods Word and Left me to Suffer and Die when I only asked for food money at times. 50,000 Christians asked 8 gave. If you think your surrounded by Godly People just because they claim name of Jesus your wrong. God saved 8 in noah's day and everyone else was Killed.
Yeshua warned four times more about deception than all other signs! The apostasy is all ready taking place in woke churches ordaining people who are not qualified or ever should be a teacher unless they repent of their orientation and are new creators in Christ! As Paul said 1Cor 6:9-11) ““Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.”
Amen Pastor so much already even in so much of the evangelical church today shame, (1Thess5:21)
God bless your ministry in Jesus Name. Maranatha!
The biggest sign of the end is the LGBTQ +#%&’ gay grooming of children and its support by Governments because it is the re emergence of Sodom . Sodom is the clearest picture of the end we have : Lot and his family ( Gentiles like the Church ) are snatched up by the hand of Angels and they go up into the mountain. When they arrive in the little city of Zoar in the mountains the sun is beginning to appear and at that moment the wrath falls and the whole plain of Sodom is NUKED FROM HEAVEN . Mark what I say . The emergence of the world wide rainbow flag pride movement and its adoption by Government tells us we are at the very door of the Rapture .
Great message, aside from the 'planet/solar system' part.
Please stop teaching helios-centrism, because that is actually the deception
Learn to walk in these last days ALONE with Yahshua Hamasiach.