Beware of the Angel of Light, Satan The Deceiver, the Liar, the One who cannot abide in the Truth is allowed to exert his full …

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  • the pedocrat party has them all fooled

    Toxic Culture 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • Jezebel and Lucifer, be blessed with what you are blessing! It is written; 1 In the meantime, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another, he began to say unto his disciples first of all, Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. Luke 12-1. As you explain to them who is lying and deceiving them, you call for deception and then you will say that you are innocent because you warned them, but they still listen to you. Cunning, treacherous, and sneaky. Typical of you. It is written also:13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Luke 16-13. You are not an exception Mr. John. It is written: 3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. 5 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Luke 13-3,5 while you still have time to. Time flows irrevocably….

    Sonya Mihaylova 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • Or you are divided became two the day you one you became two .5 true .5 just split a piece of wood and I AM there the day you one you became two what will you do when you become two ? The day you one you became two .5 just .5 true unknown to self deceiving self pretending to understand guess you figured it out ifike what hear pick a pretender liar false prophets self proclaimed people proclaimed proves only unknown unproclaimed false prophets if anything is deceiving self and others Injust untrue self and others deceive even self pretending to understand guess you know atheist to Illuminati to Mormons to everyone else running mouth self proclaimed people proclaimed fools speaking saying nothing impressing others pretend to understand age over best know it and stop or are false prophets and done anyway is the end of the age who the hell you pretend to be play you what text none pick a pretender guessers deceiving self pretending to be known to the ALL seen self as the forth in heaven and five stand as one whole in one whole in one whole in one many out womb and in man born the untouchable living one given amnesty from law won't taste death the untouchable living one in ten thousand two became one in one whole in one whole in one whole in one many I draw it out while explaining it . Who said test none pick a self proclaimed people proclaimed fools speaking saying nothing impressing others pretend to understand at best best know and be done

    Jeremy Mettler 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • What is the biggest sign that the end times are here?

    Answer: Me ✋🏾

    Jesus Christ 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder

    Debbie Blake 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • God's math isn't the same as ours.

    Gloria Netto 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • Nope just imposter's fake scammer's rats is all. Nothing to God's eyes here.

    Gloria Netto 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • Yep he said everything You just said . But you now say these things mean his return . But YESHUA said they mean the TIME IS NOT YET . LOL . ONE OF YOU YOU ARE A LIER

    Eddie Hathcock 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • There is nothing Jesus said i. Matthew 24 thats was not at hand in the first century and fulfilled. Its amazing to hear preachers stretch the Bible for 1000s of years.

    Digital Pitt Boss 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • As someone highly trained in spiritual discernment, I find this video an exemplary example of one of Satan’s favorite tactics; the mixture of TRUTH and LIES.
    In mathematics this concept is well known; for something to be TRUE, it has to be completely TRUE, if you inject the slightest bit of falsehood, the whole thing immediately becomes a LIE; a weapon in the hands of the one whom the scriptures declare is the “father of all lies”.
    Be careful of instances where scripture is used as a means to try and give the message a veneer of godliness and wholesomeness. Remember that even Satan used scriptures against Jesus during His 40 day fasting and Jesus defeated the attacks with scripture.
    This video tries to emphasize that the betterment of ones life comes by the accumulation of wealth or status in order to find fulfillment in life, but what does the Bible state when it comes to the pursuit of wealth and possessions?

    “Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.”
    (Luke 12:15)

    It also states that:

    “For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, NOR COVETOUS MAN, WHO IS AN IDOLATER, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU WITH VAIN WORDS: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.”
    (Ephesians 5:5-6)

    It also emphasizes:

    “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
    (Mark 8:36-37)

    Yes it’s true that the mind is wondrous and powerful, and what we plant in it we will reap; this is a general theme written throughout the scriptures:

    “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”
    (Galatians 6:7-8)

    The REAL SECRET, is that fulfillment in life only comes by having found GOD by seeking and loving Him through the scriptures!
    Inside all of us lies a God-shaped vacuum that man tries to fill with the meaningless things of this life! Only God can fill the yearning man has for satisfaction and fulfillment.
    The journey in finding God is not an easy one, for it takes complete devotion and persistence. It took me over 3 years of listening to the King James Bible on CD during those wasted hours of rush hour commute; a total of 15 hours of Word a week to crack the biblical code, and even then it wasn’t my doing, it was God who showed me mercy by filling me with His Holy Spirit and giving me the understanding of the scriptures:

    “Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my SPIRIT unto you, I will make known my WORDS unto you.”
    (Proverbs 1:23)

    It was at this point that the TRUTH was revealed to me and I came to the glorious understanding of how powerful indeed the mind truly is!

    “Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding. He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous: he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly. He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints. Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea, every good path. When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul; Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee:”
    (Proverbs 2:5-11)

    This overwhelming knowledge God grants to the individual is the gift He bestows on those who seek and love Him!
    The fact that the ONLY WAY to God is His Word is clearly emphasized:

    “If ye continue in my WORD, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall make you free.”
    (John 8:31-32)

    Jesus stated we all must be BORN AGAIN in order to enter Heaven, but how exactly do we become born again?

    “Being BORN AGAIN, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the WORD OF GOD; which liveth and abideth for ever.”
    (1 Peter 1:23)

    The Bible is “GOD” in written form:

    If A=B , and B=C, then A=C


    and JESUS=WORD
    then GOD=WORD

    “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the WORD WAS GOD.”
    (John 1:1)

    But as it turns out the WORD is also the HOLY SPIRIT!

    “It is the SPIRIT that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the WORDS THAT I SPEAK UNTO YOU, they are SPIRIT, and they are life.
    (John 6:63)

    “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the SPIRIT, which is the WORD OF GOD.”
    (Ephesians 6:17)

    So the equation is now :


    When God takes the BEAM out of your eye spoken of by Jesus that hinders you from SEEING CLEARLY and you realize those WORDS are speaking directly to you once the HOLY SPIRIT enters you, it turns the equation into:

    G = WS^2 (squared)

    Now doesn’t science claim that everything is made out of “ENERGY” which they themselves have shown is E=MC^2 (squared), talk about CHECKMATE!

    “By the WORD of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.”
    (Psalms 33:6)

    “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my WORDS shall not pass away.”
    (Matthew 24:35)

    “He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my WORDS, hath one that judgeth him: the WORD that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.”
    (John 12:48)


    God Bless.

    evongreiff1 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • " the beast was given power to send FIRE from heaven, in front of the people" Revelation 13 13
    You didn't really believe that Maui was a brushfire did you?….
    3000 missing children and you will be arrested for taking pictures of the crime scene…. hmmm

    Neo Bailey 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • It's a crying shame how these frauds have bastardized religion to the point of being a complete fairy tale.. There is no personal devil, nor is there a hell where sinners go to burn in agony for eternity. Yes, there is a God, but he never created these things. This is why I stay far away from organized religions, all of which have it backward. People have believed they were living in the last days even when Jesus was on earth and every generation since then. It's amazing how people just go along with this crap and never ask questions.

    William Paul 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • my last comment …disappeared..

    Albert Volpe 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • From google:

    "What would be considered blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

    "Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" is conscious and hardened opposition to the truth, "because the Spirit is truth" (1 John 5:6). Conscious and hardened resistance to the truth leads man away from humility and repentance, and without repentance, there can be no forgiveness."

    Even some earthlings can forgive others who never tell them that they are sorry. Here we have a God who can't forgive someone who hardens their heart against believing in a religion that condemns the soul? The Holy spirit is a spirit that says that you are basically born a rotten unworthy sinner who deserves eternal punishment?

    And you better not harden your heart against this truth or you are doomed?

    That's the truth? That's an undeniable fact?

    Is this Holy Ghost a soldier of Satan?

    Robert 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • Single biggest scam was the Bible created by uneducated man to control the people
    Stop being sheep and learn where every religion on this planet comes from.
    YHWH was also known as SaTan the genocide god if you knew your Enuma Elish

    Jeff Ccr 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • God Bless You Dr.!!!

    wilkmanh20 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • His Name is not "jesus", it is "Yahushua" which has a whole lot of meaning in Hebrew (His Father Yahua"s chosen language). Once that is realized, prophecy, from the beginning of time, makes a whole lot more sense… Just sayin… No disrespect, but if you're going to preach the truth of the Gospel, then preach the truth, not the Greek!

    BrokenandRestored 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • This was long but very good. Pass it along to all that really want to know what the only truth that is in the Bible is really all about.

    Linda Yoder 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • Satan's deception. Fear mongering the "end of days" we are watching satan at work

    Jim Stark 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • You are a false teacher! False!! So sad you are deceiving the masses! You are marked! You took the mark!

    Marlo Duncan 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • How can you stand there and lie, saying Satan can read? How can one read in darkness?
    Before His Resurrection and after His Crucifixion, Christ bound Satan (and all the other angels who left their calling) in "chains of darkness." Can YOU read?
    Jude said it, Peter said it.
    Before His Crucifixion, Christ said He was going to cast him out… and He did.
    Men aren't tempted by Satan. (Satan is under chains of darkness, remember.) Men are tempted by their own human nature, inherited from Eve. Evil. Lust turns into sin and sin becomes death.
    James wrote of this.

    Enoch Sauron 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • The Gospel has reached the Ends of the Earth.

    No one on this Earth understands YHVH's intention from Genesis 9:26-27, to glorify His Name again.
    John 12:28 Father, glorify your name.” Then a voice came from heaven, “I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again.”

    Why not wait for the Righteous Man of the East, Isaiah 41 to explain Leviticus 23:17 From the places where you live you must bring two loaves of bread for a wave offering; they must be made from two tenths of an ephah of fine wheat flour, baked with yeast, as first fruits to the Lord.

    It is the contents of the Book of Remembrance, Malachi 3:16, to explain the parallels The Books of Noah's descendants, Shem Ham Japheth. 

    Which are :
    – The 3 Layers of The Roof of The Tabernacle, Exodus 26
    – The content of 3 Concernings, John 16:8-11.

    That was the blessing of Jacob and Moses on Joseph, to explain YahShua's Testimony Is the Spirit of Prophecy, Revelation 19:10

    Yeriel Yaar

    Yeriel YAAR 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder

    Paul Gali 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • The end this the end that let's get this going life is misery pointless hurry up and drop the big one I can't see how a loving God would let this go on blows my mind

    Wayne Howland 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • "The hand of God" returns 2034 to rule for one thousandth year from the holiest of holies temple mount Zion.
    "The hand of God" at the end of that term will want to die, God will deny request and the hand of God becomes the antichrist. Iesus will be killed.
    Muhammad will save humanity.
    russia will cease to exist becoming a demilitarized zone 2030.
    This is russia's last crusade forever
    Good vs. evil

    ji ki 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • Sorry kids, all religion is nothing but superstition.

    good morning 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • I dont worry about any sign
    I'm knowing I'm going
    My former Pastor always said
    Its becoming glorious dark
    It's closer today then Yesterday

    Rick Saunders 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • Have you got any idea who it was that bombed an American ship killing 70 and others left disabled in the 1990's They clearly saw the American flag and spoke and could hear the Americans talking. " The Americans are spying on us" they said. Yes that ship if it hadn't had survivors to tell the American Govt. We would have had war with Iran back there. America tried to shut up the survivors Iran was blamed nothing happened and Americans still think Iran did it.
    No America it was Israel their compensation was their favorite number 6,000,000 million only. America hid the result from the people.

    Janette Davis 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • How does a massive bunch of Atheist Secret Societies Masonic Jews know that God gave them Israel? I think you are a member of the Masonic Secret Societies. Ask them to reinstall the real Old Testament into the Bible. Yes the one that hates Gentiles. The one that tells us they are going to wipe most Gentiles off the face of the earth.
    This is what most of you lot jump .
    "Shortly after the Jews gain Israel the Perpetual Sacrifice will be removed and the Abomination of Desolation replaced therin then comes the end of time for the Gentiles for Salvation comes from the Jews (Salvation here means War ) .

    Janette Davis 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • Jews believe Jesus was a fraud and is in hell boiling in human feces… forgot to mention that.

    K 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • There is no such thing as a God who condemns it's own creation. Why do we still believe this nonsense? I grew up a good old fashion Lutheran and never had any spiritual struggles whatsoever. The only God I ever knew as a child was the God of nature and a wise, father/teacher God, not an executioner of the human soul. Sure, we learned the same things that bible thumpers do but it was taught in a nonjudgmental way. We didn't go around seeing people as saved and unsaved, we just saw them as people.

    I am glad for my Lutheran/Christian upbringing, I learned what I needed to know about loving people, being honesty, being moral and applying the golden rule like Jesus taught.

    But to those who have ears and a heart to listen I say these words…..

    Soul condemnation is a lie from the pits of hell. (Punn intended)

    Robert 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • Christians cannot and will never understand the Book of Revelations.
    Christians are the actual deception the Bible forewarned us against. Pope Francis (Satan manifested as well as the false prophet) is currently leading the world on behalf of all the religions of the world, but especially the Christian faith, to utter destruction.
    The reason for this is that they are the ones that are neither cold nor hot. Christians want to obey a Creator on their terms. They both want to love the world (money) and a Creator. The True Creator, Yahweh warned us against this. The Antichrist is Jesus. The true Messiah is Yahweh as our Redeemer (Yahshua). The whole Bible in one word = OBEDIENCE. That means that Names cannot be changed, the Sabbath day cannot be changed (to Sunday)… and one must also posses the testimony of Yahshua (Rev 12:17)… otherwise one will surely not be saved.

    Ezekiel 20:20 (TS2009) And set apart My Sabbaths, and they shall be a sign between Me and you, to know that I am יהוה your Elohim (Creator).’ (Yahweh is not a God, only Creator… there is only One and He is everywhere)

    We are absolutely at the end… right before the 2nd coming… time is up… utter destruction for a short period is at hand… repent now … find the TRUTH.

    Leon Mostert 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • The antichrist is King Charles. bank on it.

    Holly Avila 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • This is why we walk by Faith and not by sight

    Knarf Trakiul 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • Lucifer will appear as alien in UFO and the world will be all giddy throwing out the red carpet. Many Christians will denounce their faith and start worshipping the "aliens"

    Knarf Trakiul 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • In genius they had sex with human females and had children that turned into giants. How can they be spirit

    Knarf Trakiul 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • This group of ppl at work were trying to say that Allah and the God of Israel were the same. And I distinctly said no, the true God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And that Allah is a false god and is not the same. They all hated me. Best day of my life!

    Eden Little 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • Even back to Mt chapter 23.and on into chapter 24. Jesus was referring to his first century audience. He was speaking to his disciples regarding the destruction of the temple in the near future 70 ad. Nearly all the commentaries agree on this.

    Brent Steinberg 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • Following your teachings from the Netherlands.God bless!

    Jen C 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • My name is Jarred Michael Johnson an I truly believe in Our kingdom..I was born June 15 1980 an certified to the state July 31 1980 Tulsa Oklahoma at Saint Francis hospital on Sunday ..My human father was absent an God was my influence. . I'm battling the entire state of Oklahoma obtaining public records for redemption..I believe I have the seventh seal with my certificate of live birth

    G-$HOCK 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • I’m very sorry to say I’m giving your video a thumbs down you should look at what commercials are being shown before your video starts. That is why you’re getting a thumbs down if you don’t know why don’t care may all your wrongs be brought to light? If I have to watch an anti-American commercial before your video I will just thumbs down and move along

    Tellis 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • Great message as always. God bless you

    Alexandria Diaz 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • Charles Stanley was a very good Christian…mmm, not a fundamealist

    Sandra Hoglund 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • Pastor, I think this deception is happening NOW. There are so many channels where people, for example, talk about their near-death experiences, and it's nothing like the Bible describes. This not only causes confusion (which satan is the author of) for many Christians, but it begs the question: is the Bible absolute TRUTH (and there is a hell), or are these "positive" death experiences part of the end-time deception where Buddha, Confuscious, atheism, etc., is the same as Jesus and there are multiple ways to God?? Either the Bible is a LIE, or it is absolute TRUTH. This is very scary to me—-thinking about all of these people who, in my opinion, are having these legit experiences, but they're being deceived.

    meemster101 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • Christ said, "Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father, who is in heaven" (Matthew 5:14-16

    You may recall the story of Jesus walking on water, calming the storm, or perhaps pointing to a light in the distance and saying, "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father, who is in heaven" (Matthew 5:14-16). You see, you can be anywhere on the shore, or on the Lake of Galilee and still see the smallest glimmer of light. The "things" Jesus said and did, like walking on water, healing the sick, calming the storm, always brought glory to God. This is the same that he asks of you! YOU are the light of the world! YOU let your light shine before others! Remember, YOU have a call to live well before those created in the image of God, so to bring glory to your Father who is in heaven. Take this message from Jesus, from the Galilee, from the boat, and know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE, but a bright shining light, giving glory to God!

    From CHLS . org

    dmcg Whisper 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • If you can’t see the difference between the man made cultural doctrine about women compared to murdering tiny human beings or even sexual immorality, you are not for me. No where in Scripture does God make women subject to men. Helper in Hebrews refers to God. Do you think he is Adams servent. If He did punish Eve, he did not punish 1/2 of her children. Moreover women can’t just be defective because He said creation, after Eve, was very good. In Jeremiah and Ezekiel (31 and 18) He says he doesn’t punish children for the sin of their parents. And Jesus, in the Mary and Martha story, where Mary was studying with Him and His apostles, told Martha that Mary had chosen the better part and it would not be taken from her…except by you.

    There was only one law in the garden, do not eat from the tree who is fruit was the knowledge of good and evil. And there was only one punishment, death. This crime was committed and the punishment exacted. How then does a just judge charge Eve with a crime of “tempting “and come up with a punishment that affects half the human race. If your interpretation of genesis 3:16 is correct, God is not just. This would be equivalent to sentencing a man to death for some crime against the state and then the judge coming up with that in addition he’s going to amputate his hands and the hands of all his children forever because he can. There is no law, nothing…he just feels like it.

    No one has the original Hebrew autographs. In 100 AD or so Rabbi Akiba altered Hebrew scriptures to obscure that Jesus fulfilled all the messianic prophecies Particularly those to do with the Gentiles. You can’t tell me that rabbis were above altering scriptures since we know they did. The Masoretic text is based on altered scriptures, the Old Testament in our Protestant Bibles. Origen altered the Septuagint.

    Paul in his letters was trying to create churches from gentiles. What their level of education might have been was probably zip, and he addressed the problems he had. Their experiences prior to introduction into churches might also have been something else. Clearly Priscilla taught Apollos. Don’t you find it strange that it is always MEN who teach this heresy. Maybe you won’t fall for 5he love of money, but there is always POWER. you have your servant, right.

    M Chevalier-Seawell 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • You bring up and touch upon the New Testament verses and the topic of accountability !!! And sometimes someone's Pride will get in the way of accepting It !!!!

    James Marchetti 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder
  • To all who believe in a second chance theology.i recommend you read Matthew's Henry's Commentary on the whole Bible for Hebrews 9 verse 28 " So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many;and unto them that look for him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation!! Read Matthew Henry s comments on thus verse but in a nut shell no more attonment for sin having fully discharged all intercession when Jesus comes in Parousia

    Phillip Morris 15 de outubro de 2023 23:09 Responder

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