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I'm none of these things .I have prayed to be this way still nothing.
Really glad this channel came up on my recommendations. This is what I call preaching
You have a sick inept cruel hateful and demented god his hate is to much for me to believe this crap sending people to hell for eternity is beyond hate it's sick. What people will say to control the sheep. its beyond my imagination
What Christ saw was for his own generation as the scriptures were about the Jews not gentiles.. Christ came to HIS OWN. John 1:11-13 He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
We as Gentiles have been adopted and grafted into the true vine……
Im a sinner i know this because my life even though given to Christ i still struggle with the fullness of what Christ has done. He has walked me patiently to know i cant do anything without him including love. I knew nothing of love not how to get to give or even what it was all the so called love ive received on Earth was with conditions be a certain way do a certain thing behave but all the while knowing i couldnt be any way than what i am. So God changed my mind my heart my will and my identity slowly as i progress more towards his likeness the full ess of which is not yet manifest but is unfolding ay my willingness to be obedient in trusting him.
he's in me, he's in u, he's in all of us…only he knows that time and day..keep love in ur hearts, resist temptations i know some times it's hard. pray when ur in need. love all and stay true. pray for me i pray for u..take care call peace out..amen.
What Jesus Christ said about the last days is exactly what we are going through NOW …..
Jesus is destroying the earth before he comes. Earth is our planet. If Jesus is savior, he should save the world rather than destroying our mother planet. It could be that Jesus is an alien against human beings.
The lord is taking away the kids bottle because of their behaviour to kids this is power and the answer. The man keeps his composure knowing that the kids will grow weary and begin to enter rest
Why did God make women so evil? Do they even belong to God or do they actually belong to the devil? All of their characteristics favor Lucifer.
Here i am the son of man. My livin spirit connected with my dead fathers spirit to econd awake to hod, lucifer Michael and gabriel. All of you have chosen ur path. DO NOT DENY IT. UR LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE. ALL OF YOU DO NOT TRULY SEE CREATION THE TRUE YOU FOR IF YOU TRULY DID ALL OF YOU WOUKD NOT BE SERVING UR LIVES AWAY FOR MAMMON
@real Jesus was not a fan of Moses or scripture. He said the law will create chaos. We gave up our own free will conscience to Satan. Look at the prison you have built. You are the image of Christ at birth (heart) what happened to you? You thought Jesus was the image of God in the temple, the body. See how wrong you can be not feeling the truth for yourselves? Fantasy is over, what is the condition of your heart and family? Did you leave your mothers and wives and daughters in the garden of Eden with the snakes? What you believe you may become. Only love is real.
What about holding people accountable for their actions/wrongdoings? If I see my friend, who I deeply love, doing something wrong, isn’t it love to call them out on it? I’d want my people to do that for me. None of us are perfect. If/when my friends who love me see me doing something wrong and they say “what’s up with you doing/acting this way? That’s not you. That’s not your true self. You know better”. That’s them reminding me to do better. They also wouldn’t make it anyone else’s business though, nor would I theirs. Or maybe I have this all wrong?
The Bible is our sure anchor.
Dr Barnet. Your teachings are good BUT this video has now made me doubt my salvation. ItS THE PART ABOUT 1st John 4:7 and the love, and how we know through our love etc. Totaly confusing. In other lessons on yputube you've thrown out 'those that called on the name of the Lord' which at my level of learning means utterly nothing, I have not done that nor do I no how. You have just confused me AND my Bible believing, Bible reading and Bible studying family. Again.
Thank you for GOD'S Living Word👏
Anyone reading this, if you haven't repented yet, please REPENT, FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND.
Lord Jesus✝️have mercy on you🙏
Lord Jesus✝️have mercy on you🙏
If the "church" is so "sown in love" as Mr John Barnett says, then why is the "church", the churches of Christendom, one of the bloodiest religions on the earth ? Why was World War I started in the middle of Christendom, when Austria-Hungary invaded Serbia on July 28, 1914, that was the beginning of World War I and the most savage onslaught of humanity in the history of mankind up to that time, whereby an estimated 20 million soldiers and civilians were slaughtered at the behest of their "Christian" leaders ?
Then 21 years later, this was followed by an even greater destructive war, World War II, when "Christian" Nazi Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, so that by its end on September 2, 1945, an estimated 60 million + soldiers and civilians lost their lives, and of Nazi Germany's top officials, from Adolf Hitler to many of his other top officials, were Catholic.
Adolf Hitler (1889-1945 C.E.) was a professing Catholic (confirmed in 1904, though not devout, while his mother was a devout Catholic), as was some of his cabinet at one time, such as Heinrich Himmler (who was raised as one but abandoned the Catholic church around 1923 at the age of 23), Joseph Goebbels (born into a strict Catholic family, and was educated at a Roman Catholic school).
Hermann Goering (who was born into a Protestant family), at the Nuremberg trials in 1946 said that Hitler was a Catholic, and although Catholics (or Protestants, in which at the beginning of World War II made up some 2/3 of Germany, while Catholics was about 1/3, or about 95 percent of all Germans were professing to be either Protestant or Catholic in 1939), they ONLY loyally adhered to Hitler's "policies", no matter how murderous to curry his favor and retain power.
Are the so-called Christians around the world any DIFFERENT today than Hitler's cabinet of murderous men, who put nationalistic interests above godly love ? NO, for almost all professing Christians, with the exception of only a few, have "thrown genuine love under the bus", seeing it crushed, so that they can go out and kill (or more accurately, murder) others in the interest of nationalism.
At John 13:34, 35, Jesus said to his eleven faithful apostles: "I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love among yourselves.”
The churches of Christendom have "crushed" these words to death, by going out at the behest of their military commanders, who often profess to be Christian, and kill their "neighbor". Jesus said at Matthew 5:43-45: "You heard that it was said: ‘You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you, so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens."
In this, the churches of Christendom are a COMPLETE failure, while a few who have done as Isaiah 2:2-4 says: "In the final part of the days (that began in 1914 when Jesus was crowned king of God's Kingdom, Rev 6:1, 2; Dan 7:13, 14), the mountain of the house of Jehovah (God's name, see Isa 12:2; 26:4, KJV) will become firmly established above the top of the mountains, and it will be raised up above the hills, and to it all the nations will stream."
"And many peoples will go and say: “Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths.” For law will go out of (symbolic) Zion, and the word of Jehovah out of (symbolic) Jerusalem."
"He will render judgment among the nations and set matters straight respecting many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore."
Remember I cried 😭😭 a lot ❤️ and I knew this was going to be a battle and I could die doing it..but here I am still fighting for Love
Panther creek connected to my phone communication..and what did you discover after connecting to my phone ..are you proud of yourselves
I know John 13 13 30
They have tried to shackle and block me kill and steal and yet I am alive 🙏🙌⏩
Did you hear and listen to what he just said people hiders runners LOVE
I repeated over and over it was the word Love and those that know from my case know this and yet Spiritual law over 3D isn't balanced actions Verb..people places and things noun
Yes I'm almost to the point of not even looking for love. I feel that GOD has increased the love in my heart and I've been yearning to pour it out on a potential spouse. Hatred between men and women have been flooded in the ears of the world. There's no more talk of love or love songs. Spending time, walks through the park, loyalty are out the window. I feel God is the only true love left.
What a prediction. The people have always been heartless whores , Christ was crucified for teaching the truth. That's heartless.
How do you love when you’re nor and lied to and used? I really heed this help for these things. Please help?
sooooo good! Love the tennis match and the spark smothered in the ocean analogies! I have shared with many! Bravo
Thank you John and Bonnie for doing such a great service for the Lord and his people
Because you are lukewarm I will spew you out of my mouth.
Look up!
This is a most beautiful, and truthful message. I love you Brother!!! Your feet truly are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Blessings, Shalom
Brother's & Sister's of Christ in the world but not of the world, I've been decieved!!! I repent of the deception I've fallen under and brought to this world. I fear Him who is able to destroy both body & soul above all things. Yeshua HaMashiak's plan is perfect and the time of repentance is here! All He has spoken is about to be perfected. He is real, He is true, & He is faithful!!!
Was John's church open during COVID or did he shut it like a good boy ?
Amen Amen Amen 🙏🙏🙏
More and more it is the truth to just give your heart to god.
Exactly..!! So, true, just greeting each individual, that you meet, without pregedous, you don't have to entertain people with your wit or stories,,, Jesus's love only looks like kindness,, true caring & concern to let Christ's love be shown to all, through me,,, I am an extention of Christ, to individuals, to show them, HIS TRUE LOVE,, FOR THEM…AND, PEOPLE NEED TO SEE THAT..!! AMEN, BROTHER.!