Stop trying so hard, what's meant for you will come easily & at the right time

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  • Yehushua Ha'Mashiach told them to bring the mule from the town over which was there waiting for the appropriate time. Todah for this mesg.🙏🏿

    @SojournerofYaH 1 de janeiro de 2024 12:50 Responder
  • Thank you so much!

    @artnatureinspiration 1 de janeiro de 2024 12:50 Responder
  • Amazing video

    @BellaStrong 1 de janeiro de 2024 12:50 Responder
  • You have a nice voice

    @ZalinaW 1 de janeiro de 2024 12:50 Responder
  • Your hair looks so pretty😍is it a twist out?

    @jessicavital8654 1 de janeiro de 2024 12:50 Responder
  • I needed to hear this. Thank you ❤

    @faithchakanza1943 1 de janeiro de 2024 12:50 Responder
  • These people are soo deep into faith. My question is, if you get into a terrible car accident, it was destined to happen?

    @MrNanah38 1 de janeiro de 2024 12:50 Responder
  • I was thinking about this and now I see this video… Everything in God's time indeed… and you nailed it sis! 😍♥️

    @fatev7767 1 de janeiro de 2024 12:50 Responder
  • Oh man, did you ever pick a hot button topic, as in a huge can of good stuff!!!! I want to share all sorts of stuff, as this is where the rubber meets the road: Walking with God!!!
    Several kings got picked by prophets out of the blue, didn't they? Like David, out of the field. Jeroboam. Jehu… That's off the top of my head, anyways, I'd love to share a real cool event…
    Years ago, a friend of mine was graduating from college. I went to his ceremony and then proceeded to go to the banquet. Somehow, it slipped through the cracks that you had needed to reserve a place… My friend felt bad about it. His folks felt bad about it too, and since he was my ride home, well, I just smiled and hung out till I had to go, and was prepared to hitch hike home. I did communicate with the organizers and let them know, hey, if someone cancels, please let me in! They agreed, but did not give me any hope. Well, time rolled along and what do you know, a certain ONE person did not show up for the banquet. … Not only that, that person had been assigned to the very same table that my friend and his folks were sitting at! Yeah, my friend and I were so amazed at God's hand, and my friend's Dad just stared at me in disbelief 🙂
    Oh, this subject really excites me, you know, with Saul it was big-time, but there are so many many small things that God does for us, and has layed aside for us as we walk through life, it really is numerous! At them "little" gestures of His love and care. I lost count how many times I go to buy something that my wife asked to get, and … it was the last one.
    Well, another story. I went to Cuba on one of them planes that are packed like sardines. I got an emergency exit seat on the way down, but on the way back I had been given a normal seat. Being 6'5", I was jammed hard in there. Just so happened that a lady in the front row wanted to sit by her friend who I was sitting by, and asked if we could switch seats! That's God!
    Another story. Being a Canadian, I wanted to get a personalized license plate, with CANADIAN on it. I could only get seven letters so the lady tried CNADIAN. Guess what? It wasn't taken!!!! The lady STARED at me in amazement that it had not been taken. Yes, once again, reserved for me by God!!!
    One time my wife and I went to buy new couches. We went all the way to the city of Edmonton with our truck and picked them up. Massive clouds were brewing. It was going to rain BIG time. I had this peace, as I communed with God about it. We pulled off the big highway and found a gas station with a roof over the pumps. I drove under and then it POURED!!!!!!!!!!! It was colossal! It was so heart warming how God looked out for us that way that day!!
    Another story: I had a car, and was content with the car. Moving to the city at the time. I heard the Lord say, sell the car and get a truck. I was not in the mood, so I said, "ok, if it is You telling me this, then I'd like a really cool truck, not just any truck…" Well, I drive in the city, and see a couple trucks, but nothing was hitting the spot. Then, I saw it. A bright red Dodge Dakota R/T with roll bars and checkered flag racing stripes. That was it. I went to check it out and take for a drive. Then came the litmus test: leaving it there for the next three days, over the weekend. I do things like this at times to make sure it is God and give Him a chance to close the door, so to speak. The salesman was baffled that I would risk leaving it over the weekend. And come the next week, it was still there, waiting for me. So I proceeded to purchase it.
    And some things are things that are really part of our calling, so to speak. I am a welder, and just love just doing the trade. But the time came for a foreman. I wanted to dodge the job, but after trying a man whom noone liked, they zeroed in on me to fill the position. All part of the journey… When God calls, He MAKES a way!
    Sigh… there are so many things in life where God works like this… Anyways, be blessed sis! I loved this subject, as it caused me to reflect on all that God has done… it's good to that once in a while!

    @Ironfurnaceroom 1 de janeiro de 2024 12:50 Responder
  • This is exactly what I needed to hear this very moment❤️🥹

    @_abbytobi 1 de janeiro de 2024 12:50 Responder
  • Jesus Calling: December 12
    I am taking care of you. Feel the warmth and security of being enveloped in My loving Presence. Every detail of your life is under My control. Moreover, everything fits into a pattern for good, to those who love Me and are called according to My design and purpose.
    Because the world is in an abnormal, fallen condition, people tend to think that chance governs the universe. Events may seem to occur randomly, with little or no meaning. People who view the world this way have overlooked one basic fact: the limitations of human understanding. What you know of the world you inhabit is only the tip of the iceberg. Submerged beneath the surface of the visible world are mysteries too vast for you to comprehend. If you could only see how close I am to you and constantly I work on your behalf, you would never again doubt that I am wonderfully caring for you. This is why you must live by faith, not by sight; trusting in My mysterious, majestic Presence.

    Romans 8:28

    And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose.

    Job 42:1-3

    1 Then Job answered the Lord and said:
    2 “I know that you can do all things,
    and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.
    3 ‘Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge?’
    Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand,
    things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.

    I Peter 5:7

    casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

    2 Corinthians 5:7

    for we walk by faith, not by sight.

    @Jesuschild1991. 1 de janeiro de 2024 12:50 Responder

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