Sinai Peninsula | ANUNNAKI SECRETS 22 | The Stairway to Heaven by Zecharia Sitchin

Based on the book ‘The Stairway to Heaven’ by Zecharia Sitchin, Inspired by the chapter titled ‘Tilmun Land of the Rocketships ‘.

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  • Our souls (consciousness) are fractals of Source/Creator/God and are therefore, immortal. Everything has consciousness and undergoes levels of awareness as it ascends through the mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms, to eventually attain Christ Consciousness.

    @kenrik2105 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • Let's hear some humor zecharia sitchin when it shows his picture in here doesn't he look like the KFC guy

    @ljsmooth69 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • Love this channel. Peace brother, ❤ from Eire.

    @carlmc8738 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • Lucas my scribe you are about to get a way bigger production value. I want you to tell the world this story in Hollywood. That disgusting place needs some light and truth to it. Im about to put you on to bigger things. Get ready my brother.

    @stevendhuddlesonjr6899 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • Salut super vidéo merci beaucoup pour le travail important que vous faites😊👍

    @sebfoufou9935 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • One correction.. God told Moses to speak to the stone & punished him for striking the stone with his staff.

    @missinglink9999 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • Brilliant series of videos, thank you 🙌

    @annej9358 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • Great works! Much love

    @escapevelocity8092 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • AAM, they game as began the distractions are now out there, Mike Gill is all out fully loaded and fully active with the next chapter be aware brother and sister, stay strong.

    @Sherlock-xg1xo 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • Im rocking wit the ENTWINED SERPENTS

    @almightydtr 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • Love and love alone to all, once again Lucas, your research and hard work i first and foremost must say, I hope one day I get to shake your hands. 44:20 > 44:32, you are great my brother, and fellow family this is no joke, this save me because I teach my daughter about all these things but unfortunately it will cause you a lot on this journey if truth, so I tell all you and also I applaud Lucas alway and I say this, hard work, defeat deception’s. Be careful all, I lost my family because my journey, one day someone as listening to you the next day, they say, well ok, right, this journey comes with nothing name comprise never give in, ( mike gill)

    @Sherlock-xg1xo 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • OUTSTANDING ; o …..

    @anthony01571 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • You have done it again Lucas!! Thank you for being my FAVOURITE channel and my go-to researcher for my Anunnaki Oracle cards (still in progress) guess who is getting THE MENTION!!!!!!!!!!!

    @karenfinneganart2480 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • Way too hard to deny, fits all too well, fills in a plethora of gaps

    @jeromemartinez5603 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • You got it

    @twelphsoul 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • ♪♫♥Very interesting !

    @aripiispanen9349 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • Bolloxology

    @suzieq8189 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • So what do ye want gigantic slaver shite from another planet then when there was complaint from slaves nah!!l think i stay with yeshua thanks !!pharos died scraming they were slavers from another planet andhopefully fairy tale may they never return bad enough dealin with demons ruling world prefer homeosapians ❤

    @suzieq8189 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • magnificent,this seat likf a gloove,please consider episode about CHILDREN OF THE ROCKETSHIPS

    @snakes111b 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • My partner can't work out how I'm so anti god but listen and more to the point believe the history that your presenting to us! I wait with baited breath for next vid
    Lucas if by chance you read this is the book you have recently released in English? If so can you please send a link

    @markquilter5638 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • belief be lies be truth not belie

    @dr.saltyballsack69 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • We have never learned from past history as we are destroying our atmosphere with Geoengineering. Nuclear War also looms as a threat

    @davidpotts3844 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • In The Extremely Ancient Lands, Currently Referred To As Egypt . . .

    There Is Absolutely No Verifiable Proof That Those Structures, Nor The Surrounding Temples Were Built By The Ancient Egyptians, Who Were Of Black And Brown Skin Colour, But They Were Merely Occupied And Repurposed By Them After They Arrived There After Migrating From Southern Parts Of The African Continent . . .

    And The Same Goes For The Gigantic Finished Megalithic Stone Structures In Present Day Israel And In Baalbek Lebanon, Which Were Of Extremely Ancient Aesir, aka Anunnaki, Memnir And Igigi Design And Construction . . .

    Those Far Reaching In Time Backwards Ancient Structures Were Constructed By A Race Of Either Ancient Humans With Had A Much Higher Than Us Today – Late 2023 Scope And Level Of Knowledge And Technology, And / Or Mental – Psychic Abilities Which They Utilized To Move All Of Those Multi To Over 1000 Tonne Stones From The Quarries 500 Miles Away, Then Lifted Them Up And Into Their Places Which We With Supposedly Higher Technological Advanced Humans Of Today Still Cannot Do, Replicate Nor Master Even With Our High Tech Cranes And Gigantic Earth Moving Vehicles, Or The Other Possibility Is That They Were Constructed By Another Species Of Either Humanoids Or Non Human Beings Which Either Lived Here In And On This Realm With The Ancient Humans, Or Came From Another Realm To Here Which Lived Here For A Time, While Creating All Of Vastly Older Massive Structures Like The Great Pyramid, Which Really Was A Power Generating Structure, Like Other Pyramids, Which Were Constructed Around What We Have Been Told Is The Earth Tens Of Thousands, To Hundreds Of Thousands Of Years Ago, If Not Even Older . . .

    Once Again, . . . There Is Absolutely No Actual Or Verifiable Proof That The Ancient Egyptians Built Them, Just The Ones Which Have Been Disintegrating From Being Poorly Constructed By The Ancient Egyptians Who Tried And Failed To Replicate The Structures Which Were There When They Arrived There And Re Inhabited The Area . . .

    @jamesevans3492 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • And . . .

    Since god, little g, And the "SUN" of god, little g Are Only Real Inside The Thoroughly Programmed From Early Childhood By Faux religions $heep-le's Orbs, So-Called god, little g, And the "SUN" of god, little g, And allah, little a, And $atan, little s, aka the devil, little d, And the lord, little l Do Not Unfortunately Exist . . . Ouch . . .

    @jamesevans3492 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • If You Are Lucky Enough To Actually Own An Actual Fully Working Brain With " Critical Thinking Skills ", And You Were Taught How To Utilize It Properly, Then ⁣This Brain Teaser Is For You To Consider And Ponder On . . .

    What If ?

    We Are All Inside A Grand In Physical Scale Wondrous Magnificent Complexsive Gigantic To Us Sealed 1 / 2 Spherical Aquarium / Terrarium Biodome Complex Construct Cyclical Machine, And No Bipedal Human Has Ever Left This Complex To Go Anywhere Near The Supposed Moon, And The The Antikythera Mechanism Was Created By The Creators Of This Deliberately Constructed Realm For Them, And For The Upper Intelligent Casts Of Trained Human Beings In The Priest Casts And Rulers To Use To Chart And Program What's Seen Above Everyone, Being That It Is A Gigantic And Vast In Titanic Scale To Us Mechanism Or Machine Of Which Everything And Everyone Is Within ?

    The "Firmament" Is The Incredibly Massive & Expansive And Vast Either Solid Structured Or Solid To Everything And Everyone Below It Energy Dome Covering This Incredibly Massive & Expansive Vast In Size And Scale Constructed Complex Cyclical Machine . . .

    The Only Way Our Species Can Leave This Complex Is When The Creators Of This Complex, And Their Workers Come Inside Here And Extract Us For Their Experiments, Then Bring Us Back Inside Here To Monitor Us . . .

    No Bipedal Human Being Can Leave This Sealed Realm Here, And Nothing Human Made Can Leave Here Either, So There Are No $atellites Or Any Other Human Being Constructed Supposed $pacecraft Or $pace Tech Up There Above Us In Supposed $pace, Because $pace, Or Outer $pace Doesn't Exist For Us Here, And $atellites Are Actually Tethered Below Very High Floating Large Helium Filled Balloons Which Are Launched From The Northern Regions In Canada And The Surrounding Areas, And Down In Faux Antarctica Where No Civilian Human Being Can Watch Them Being Assembled, Then Tethered To The Undersides Of The Large Helium Balloons And Launched From There . . .

    Every Supposed Picture Of Any, And All Of The Supposed Planets, And The Sun Are All CGI Or Computer Generated Graphics, Drawings And Paintings Done By Paid NA$A Workers And $ub-Contractors, And There Is Not 1 Actual Real Picture Of This Supposed Spherical Earth Planet Because None Exists, But Only Photo $hopped Pictures And Paintings And CGI Renderings . . .

    Bipedal Humans Are Not In The Fossil Record Of This Realm So We Are Not Originally From Here And Were / Are A Genetically Created Species By The Aessir, aka The Anunnaki, And The Memnir Some 470.000 + / – Years Ago As Their Slaves, Servants And Underground Diggers For Gold For Them . . .

    The Human Being Race Is, Or Are Their Direct Descendants, And NA$A Lies All The Time About Everything . . .

    @jamesevans3492 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder

    @MACONEM37 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • Hail lord Enki King of king lord of lord

    @eanaruto7573 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • Similarly the story is written on the bible, Ismael and his mother in the desert 🤔

    @susanwangari3753 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • Great narration. Enjoying from Nairobi, Kenya

    @EmmanuelMokoro 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • Très très passionnant le contenu de la vidéo. Merci à cla chaîne !🙏

    @davedave5400 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • I❤EnKi

    @maryjanedaniels7310 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • And I'm here! ✌️🔱♎️💫♒️✨️🌠

    @EnkiNingishzida 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder
  • Don't forget to smash that like button and share!

    @adamraven6012 29 de dezembro de 2023 13:07 Responder

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