Richard Dolan: UFOs, God, Disclosure, Alien Encounters, Totalitarianism, Faith

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  • Hey TOE Community, join TOEmail –>
    00:00 – UAP Updates
    03:15 – No Good Data?
    06:13 – Experiencers
    10:00 – Totalitarianism
    15:40 – Slow Disclosure Or No Disclosure?
    22:36 – Factions In Government
    35:17 – Why Don’t They Silence Dissenters?
    36:46 – Curt’s Skepticism
    46:42 – Hermeneutics Of Suspicion
    54:50 – Human Desire
    1:00:06 – Richard’s Favorite Books
    1:04:59 – What’s Actually Going On?
    1:25:35 – Non-Human Encounters
    1:40:14 – Alien Genetics
    1:44:03 – Identifying Aliens
    1:49:10 – Cataclysms
    1:52:06 – Grusch’s DOPSR Report
    1:55:26 – Reading YouTube Comments
    1:59:05 – How Have Richard’s Views Changed?
    2:03:18 – USO Research
    2:07:28 – Rosicrucianism
    2:09:26 – What Is Humanity’s Foundation?
    2:21:47 – Hope, Wisdom, Mysticism, Humility
    2:31:44 – What Makes Richard Happy?
    2:33:51 – What Does Richard Believe?
    2:40:40 – God
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    @TheoriesofEverything 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • Dolan goes too much off the deep end for me, very, very often. But always worth listening to in a well done interview.

    @CM-ey7nq 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • Even if there aren’t good answers, postponing the truth, and or continuing a lie, only makes things worse in the long run. Now is the time to come clean.

    @thecocktailoasis1849 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • Curt, Thank you so much for your conversation with Richard Dolan. The questions you asked him were wonderful for bringing out his deep intellectual and spiritual thoughtfulness. I will watch this one more than once.

    @teresastradinger9986 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • Thanks!

    @teresastradinger9986 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • I have personally known several people, my brother included, that are very smart on many levels and kind of stand out in the area of possessing a gift of seeing the pulled back big picture of things happening around them. I am confused about how credulous they are and why they don’t have the natural skepticism that most of us ordinary regular people have. When a stranger relates a story to me of an experience of the woo-woo type I can’t do what they can do and just accept it at face value. This confuses me completely. Am I just too dumb?

    @garypedigogaeu5787 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • Looking forward to reading Richard's book. I'm hoping he will find the case that I was told about when I was in college. Curt, if you were to make interstellar travel faster how would you do it?

    @user-ou1pw2io4h 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • It's amazing how people want to believe in ET-on-Earth so much that they will give big value to such extremely poor evidence.

    @marcelor.aiello5050 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • Why travel in big spaceship? Why bother with big hot tubs? Some choices are guided by the pleasure principle. My cats, dogs and children all make choices guided by pleasure, as did my parents. Maybe spaceships are more comfortable than sending your intellect on a rice-grain-sized ship and exploring the universe is more pleasurable than staying home?

    @friendlyone2706 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • Maybe the good looking humans are simply originals who never left the Garden of Eden. Maybe Eve painlessly had children before the fall?

    @friendlyone2706 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • Domesticated hogs believe humans are kind — comfortable bedding, lots of food, no predators — right up the moment of slaughter. "It's a cookbook." resonated immediately with all who watched a certain Twilight Zone episode for a reason.

    @friendlyone2706 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • Dolan says a whole lot of nothing. He for some reason is a proponent of the nuts and bolts theory, which doesn’t explain many absurd aspects of the phenomenon according to experiences.

    These things are more similar to trickster spirits than extraterrestrials l

    @RAPEDBYBLACKS 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • You can not be a "truthseeker" you have to be a "goodnessseeker"?
    Who are you to discredit everybody who is longing for truth and dedicates his time towards finding it?

    @saske23b 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • Dolan is a big admirer of Jordan Peterson? 🚩🚩🚩

    @undercoverbrother67 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • 1:07:29 re: ubiquities acceptance of ALL claims of Ancient Aliens. I really appreciate this nuanced comment from Richard. It speaks to Dolan being an honest broker in "truth-seeking." A willingness to go against the grain—offering constructive criticism to industry titans—lends credibility to me. Years ago, when I delved more deeply into this topic, I was admittedly skeptical of Dolan, given his UFO historian empire, and if that might complicate his objectivity. I'm happy to see that the assumption was incorrect. ❤🎉

    @Tom-vh6jx 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • Dude. Ur pushing..fake information

    @akashgeorge2688 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • I really enjoy to listen to Richard's plain yet deep insight, my favorite researcher of this phenomenon!

    @carenlee3612 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • "We need good data". The 1955 edition of Project Blue Book Special Report No.14 had 21.5% of UFO reports in the 'Unknown" category out of 3,201 reports studied. Stanton T. Friedman quoted often from that report. Have they released the findings on that 21.5% of those 3,201 reports? Not that I'm aware of. Have they released the data from Project Blue Book Special Reports No. 1 to 13? With the return of the use of "UAP", they have generally ignored UFO data prior to 2004, so that 21.5% is also being ignored as well as any UFO reports that came afterwards. That doesn't look like "transparency" to me.

    @Robert-sl7jo 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • Such a great conversion guys.
    I felt my mid racing and my consciousness expand!

    @ZamWeazle 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • The return of the 1949 or earlier acronym UAP, makes me suspect so-called transparency in any form.

    @Robert-sl7jo 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • Came to dip my toe in the conversation but ended up wading in up to my ears. Thank you.

    @randybradshaw7060 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • Not me personally.
    Says it all
    They all do.
    All the experts never have first hand experience.
    But they sell a lot of books lol

    @grimmertwin2148 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • Show me one instance of alien intervention that improved humanity's existence.

    @grimmertwin2148 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • I’m so sick of being saturated with the Christian mythology and hypocrisy!!

    @dsiepiela6449 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • What a great discussion Curt. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    @robfowler5393 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • So enjoyable , even the reminiscing of Richard Dolan’s favorite classical literature / authors! .

    @camilleespinas2898 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • If these guys just read one book, and forgot everything they think they know, all of their questions about what is going on in this physial world and how it is affeted by the spiritual world, would be answered in no time at all. Its not all that complicated, and there is nothing new under the sun. If you want to know the truth, you must go to the soure of truth, People seem to want to get lost in the weeds looking for truth and there is only one place to find it. Seems people would rather trade truth for an alternate scientific truth, which they think is provable, but truth was around long before science.

    @colvillemarshall-qc5pt 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • We would never know the exact information, maybe our grandkids will. We all know that theres evil and good in the government or there might be stuff that we could not be able to handle.

    @Alvarodevil87 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • Another wonderfully revealing interview, Curt! Richard Dolan is one of the most thoughtful commentators on the subject. Concerning the need for a rock to tether one's life to, I'd just point out that a higher power is not the only rock one can imagine and humility needn't be framed in such strict hierarchical terms.

    @bryanbates4285 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • Real truth about our society around 34:30 mark!🎱

    @Hiddentruth2240 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • Curt, please don't give up on the UFO topic. I know it can be incredibly frustrating, and I don't blame you at all for taking a break from it. But, we need you on this topic. You are such a brilliant mind and you ask the most thoughtful questions, which is exactly what we need when discussing this UFO phenomenon.
    Please, don't give up on it. 🙏
    Thank you, for this incredible conversation! It was fascinating.

    @tut2555 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • Maps without new zealand

    @beay137 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • Thankyou for being you Curt

    @beay137 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • This kind of went off the rails when Dolan whiffed on Curt’s offer of resonance by sharing Fromm’s state of “being” instead of just “doing.” Dolan, who I like, seemed to reveal himself to be too cynical on the nature of humanity for Curt’s liking. Although he positioned them symmetrically, doing and being are not mutually exclusive. Your belief structure in being shapes the form of your doing. And even though Dolan had such a great insight on looking for “goodness” over facts, he almost immediately negated it. Curt, cheers to you and your platform. Your sincerity bursts through everything you offer.

    @3sticks 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder
  • It was a fantastic interview and I love all the questions you guys explored 🙏🏼💫. It went to a depth that opened up so many layers of our existence. The UFO question is one of the most profound- that opens the mind and is a doorway to an expanded reality. I think Richard is completely right in arguing that we are right on track to make a huge developmental jump as a species which he also believes is why other beings take so much interest in us as they probably went through the same development. I don’t think we are doomed as a species – humanity is at a level of ‘childhood’ transitioning into puberty. As we all know that is a very tough period to go through. I believe we’ll get through it and join our galactic family in the very near future. As an experiencer myself since childhood, my contact experiences have not only opened my mind to a greater reality but lead me down a path of reshaping and deepening my spiritual understanding of the world, ‘source’ and what I am. ❤

    @Caseopeia6 6 de abril de 2024 16:58 Responder

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