Livro de Sofonias (Bíblia Narrada – Português PT)

Cultos de Palavra e Unção do Espírito: Estudos Bíblicos: …

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  • Halalu Praise God Yahvah Scriptures show us the abounding grace mercy unfailing love of Yahvah through the years-Rom5:18-20-3-5,Isa54:10-5,Lam3:22-26-40-61,2:14-19 and the blessings reward for obedience-Lord Adonay will keep you free from every disease-Deu7:15-14-25-26,Psa81:13-16,2Chron7:14-16,12:14,13:12 Good-2Chron 14:2-6 Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! Isa49:15 For it was through reading the Scripture that I came to realize that I could never find Yahvah's favor-by trying and failing-to obey the Laws. I came to realize that acceptance with Yahvah comes by believing in Christ Mashyeak. I have been crucified with Mashyeak and I myself no (no) longer live, but Mashyeak lives in me. And the real life I now have within this body is a result of my trusting in the Son of Yahvah, who loved me and gave himself for me. I am not one of those who treat Mashyeak's death as meaningless -I do not nullify-set aside the grace of Yahvah. For if we could be saved by keeping Jewish laws, then there was no need for Mashyeak to die-He died for nothing-to no purpose-Gala2:19-21-16 no one is justified by obeying the Jewish laws-if we live by the Spirit we are not under or subject to the Law-ALL who rely on works of the law are under a curse-Gala2:16,5:18 uphold-Rom3:31 the laws serve to make us see that we are sinners-Rom3:20-10-19, 2:12-15,1:18-25-32 Bless Yahvah Elohim for Yahvahshua redeemed us from the curse-Gala3:13,4:9-10-16 NEW LIFE-Gala6:14-7-9,Rom12:1-2-9-18-21 NEW PERSON-Eph4:22-24-17-19-29-30-32 NEW MIND-1Cor2:16-6 Scriptures say whether we are alive or dead we belong to Yahvah-be imitators of Yahvah-Eph5:17 Live as Yahvahshua did-1John 2:6-4-15-17 so our identity is ONLY IN YAHVAH & YAHVAHSHUA-Rom14:8-11,Psa24:1, Job41:11 YouTube video Amazing Grace by Little Bro. Asidor Halalu Yavah Elohim Adonay El Shadday Amen Amen Amen!

    Emilie Abenojar 12 de fevereiro de 2023 02:28 Responder

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