Livro de Amós Completo (Bíblia Narrada – Português PT)

Cultos de Palavra e Unção do Espírito: Estudos Bíblicos: …

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  • Halalu Praise God Yahvah (Aramaic-Hebrews-Acts 26:14,John20:16,Rom3:2,Gala3:29-26,Eze36:26-23-31) Scriptures say ALL things work for good to those who love God Yahvah and who are called to do His Plan-Rom 8:28,Isa3:10-16-26 We pray and thank YAHVAH for opening wide your ❤️ to His Word-to give you spiritual wisdom and insight to know Him better, to flood (Hab2:14 overflow-John7:38 without limit-John3:34-31-30 -3-7) yes flood you with light so that you can understand the confident hope He has given to those He called (Hebr1:14,3:1 we are His House-Hebr3:6-10) His Holy people who are His rich and glorious inheritance (please note His rich glorious inheritance) and to continue complete the good work He has begun on you-Phil 1:6 (He called you before the world began-Eph1:4-17-19,Jere1:4-5-9-12-19) the Holy SCRIPTURES make us thoroughly fully equipped to do good to everyone and complete in Yahvashua's Holy Name-2Tim3:16-17-12-2 stay clear-2Tim 3:5 One Lord Adonay Unity-Eph4:13-3-6 -15,Eccl 8:1-16-17 Name Above Every Name-Phil 2:9-5-11-14-16 Everlasting Prize Reward-Phil 3:12-8-18-20 He gives us eternal life thru His Son Jesus Yahvahshua-2Cor5:17-21 -please note He is Eternal Life-without end-so He can never be shortened-Psa147:5,1John5:11-12-18 YouTube video You Are Forever by Lifebreakthrough Halalu Yahvah Elohim Adonay Amen Amen Amen!

    Emilie Abenojar 27 de março de 2023 22:37 Responder

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