God Wants You to Be Victorious | Tony Evans Sermons

Dr. Tony Evans emphasizes the importance of viewing life through kingdom lenses, aligning our perspective with God’s vision.

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  • Pastor, please display the book and chapter on the screen from time to time. thanks

    Mpadi Nkale 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Your message hit home this morning. It's just what I needed to energize my faith. Thank you.

    SPenson McMillan 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Thank you for the word and breaking it down!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    Kennon Wade 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Thank you Jesus! I needed this message!!!

    Katherine Moore 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Thanks Psalm 19&34&139&23 🎄😊 Praying 🎄 😊 🙏 😊😊

    MsBear89 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Amen,🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

    LaRonda YJJ 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Thank you

    Gg*Zoo3 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Biden is a nicolatian. He openly admired it. Rev 4

    Gg*Zoo3 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Great sermon!!

    Kathleen Bailey 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • 18:04 am I the only one who peeps when the camera men got jokes?

    Nate Giddens 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • God u are so Good ❤🙏🏾

    Sonia Readom 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Lord,Help me through it,Amen

    Lalmuan Sektak 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • This comment generated 60 replies and most of them are focused on the income!!!

    Katarzyna Jenkins 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • 11:54 2 Peter 1:5-7 🍓

    Emily Speer (Garcia) 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Amen. God bless you and your family. God's promises. Amen 💯🙏🏿💪🏿

    Tyree Williams 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Hallelujah 🙌🏼

    Life Coach Ms. Starr 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • I was homeless, did drugs, went into prison , where I got to know Jesus. He changed my life. Now I have a home, a wife and a lovely year old daughter (Zoe), and a stream of income that gets me $15,000 monthly. Plus a new identity – a child of God. Hallelujah!!!

    Houghton Morton 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • AMEN! What A Word! it is on time. Thank You Holy Ghost!!!

    Cedric Moore 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • This was a word I needed this afternoon. Thank you God. AND BLESS YOUR MAN SERVANT FOR THE MESSAGE

    Saint 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • In the bible, God's people will faces hardshio difficulties trials and persecution.
    God even throw his people into fire to test their faith. Like a gold to refine it. If someone preach to you prosperity and success then the teaching of Jesus is worthless.

    JERRY ROXAS 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • STENCH: a strong and very UNPLEASANT smell.

    A repulsive smell can be very OFFENSIVES to the person who is (forced) to endure it😡It is very true that we cannot even tolerate our OWN bowel movements at certain times….now try to imagine how difficult and UNPLEASANT it would be to have to endure someone else's putrid smell all day everyday. I know for sure that subjecting yourself to do so would disgust you to no end. Having to ENDURE someone else's awful smell is a sure trigger to cause your ANGRY emotions to erupt. You see?…it is OUR foul smelling SINS that stinks in the nostrils of the Lord…..and it is our UNREPENTANT sins that are a continuous foul odor that God is UNABLE to tolerate. (Acts 11:18)

    Isaiah 3:24 says, “…instead of FRAGRANCE there will be a STENCH…” It is certainly better to smell GOOD before God than to stink in His presence. Presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice to Him is much better than the SMELL of DEATH.

    📖 2 Corinthians 2:15 📖
    For we are to God the PLEASING AROMA of Christ among those who (are) being SAVED and those who are perishing.

    Grace is an invitation to SALVATION, but not a license to live in CONTINUOUS disobedience to the TRUTH! (Jude 1:4)

    Sent with much LOVE, take care and God bless ❤️🙏🏾🕊❤️🙏🏾🕊❤️

    Truth4LIFE 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Again thank you Dr. Evans. A new and fresh breath of air to my spirit, a very needed breath of fresh air, thank you!🙏🌿💐💐💐

    Debbie Drake 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Amen. In Jesus' Name, let your will be done, not mine 🙏🏾 Thank you, Lord Amen. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🫶🏿 🌄

    Gerri Anderson 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Two very real destructive factors that humans cannot ignore.

    How is cancers and sin both similar?
    One destroys the natural body and the other the spiritual body.
    One is treated by an earthly physician and the other is condemned by a LOVING savior.
    The earthly physician who treats and SOMETIMES eliminates the cancer is often praised as a hero and the SAVIOR who condemns and eliminates our sins through LOVE is viewed as a problem causer.

    How do they differ?

    When the word Cancer is mentioned, it evokes fear and anxiety.
    When the word sin is mentioned, it is casually taken lightly and often overlooked.
    If cancer was left untreated it has the potential to end a person's natural life.
    If sin was left unchecked it WILL end a person's spiritual life.

    📖 Romans 6:23 📖
    For the wages of sin (is) death, but the gift of God (is) ETERNAL LIFE (in) Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Closing your eyes and covering your ears is COMPLETELY powerless in eliminating the TRUTH!!!! ❤️🙏🏾

    Truth4LIFE 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Growth ❤️❤️☝️…PEACE IN ☝️

    Jackie P. 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder

    WOLF - S-T-L 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder

    GOD IS AMAZING 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • I really get enlightened with his sermons, I pray that as he continues to reach more people seeking God's purpose .. he can eliminate all the ads every 5 minutes ❤ 🙏

    Constance Swinger 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Glory to the lamb, Heavenly Father I ask for a new pair of 👀 to see with some new shades! 🙌🏾❤️😇🙏🏽

    Tanisha 1tlc 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Y’all should be ashamed of yourself talking about money. Talk about Jesus…

    Rick Horner 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • I've come to understand and accept that God doesn't keep promises. Every single day he turns his back on me and ignores my cries for help when people harass and bully me. I've come to understand that God is the one using people to bully me and he is the one being cruel to me.

    Deslock 1980 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • 💙✝️God bless you on your journey✝️💙

    Willie Lee 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Rev. Evans thank you for teaching us about kingdom lens.

    Andrea 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • God give me new eyes, help me know your promises and act on them.

    pink365 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Thank you for the wonderful word

    pink365 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Go gators

    carlo pierr 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Such a timely message. Thank you, Pastor Evans❤❤

    B B-R 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • God bless you Pastor Tony, with His spirit of prosperity & abundance in every area of you life, multiply your ministry around the world!, in the Holy blood & name of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ I pray, AMEN 🙏🙏🙏

    Pastor Evans, you truly are Gods anointed Priest/Shepherd, that God blessed the world with & those that hear Gods message through you. Your truly an amazing teacher, I can tell you’re passionate about God & teaching others by they way you deliver Gods msg to us all. I’m an O’l country boy grew up on the ranch as the youngest child, raised in Gods commandments, decrees, laws & words. I ran from God like a dummy, cause there’s no place to run or hide from our Creator/Father God. Two yrs ago I rededicated myself to the Lord, vowed to never run again, to serve Him obediently for all eternity. The best day so far of my existence, was on August 27, 2023 I became an eternal disciple of the Sovereign Lord God Almighty, Praise our Holy Father, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!!!…. Peace

    Wolverine Jordan 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • thank you for that word

    Ebony Wilson 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • Sticking with God on good days and bad days I'm still learning too,Amen 🙏

    Derrick Johnson 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder
  • ❤🙏🏾

    Wanna Donna 26 de outubro de 2023 14:01 Responder

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