EVERY Decision is From the Lord!!! | Steve Lawson, Sovereignty, Proverbs 16:33, RC Sproul's Ligonier

Truth Nugget from Proverbs 16:33 about the Sovereignty of God. “The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the …

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    Truth Nuggets in Proverbs:

    Growing in Christ (features John MacArthur, Steve Lawson, RC Sproul, Paul Washer and Alistair Begg):

    Preaching for God's Glory 17 de setembro de 2023 19:41 Responder
  • I'm just not satisfied with the appeal to mystery that is often presented as support for this paradox between God causing our sins and our moral responsibility for our sins. Verses like 1 Corinthians 10:13 make God out to be cruel if determinism is true. If God determines that we will sin, and we cannot thwart God's will, then there is really no escape from sin. Also, in Genesis 4:7, why would God tell Cain that "if you do what is right, will you not be accepted?" if God had determined that Cain would not do what was right. I think determinism gives a really good excuse for people to sin and reject God because of their status of being non elect for salvation.
    None of it seems logical or intuitive, and I don't believe that God and the Bible are illogical.

    Jacob Graf 17 de setembro de 2023 19:41 Responder
  • Amen and amen. I've done a few videos on my channel covering God's sovereignty from Isaiah 46:9-11, Proverbs 16:9, 21:1, Daniel 4:34-35, Acts 4:27-28, and Romans 9 just to name a few. You see it all over scripture, but it's a tough doctrine to embrace because of the faulty premise that it makes God the author of evil and man a robot. The Bible says neither.

    Eric Smith, Servant of Jesus Christ 17 de setembro de 2023 19:41 Responder
  • I do believe God is sovereign. I cant understand all that it means all the time, it's pretty deep to think about.

    Kyndals Life Owen 17 de setembro de 2023 19:41 Responder
  • Hi there. So, according to what you are sharing, God is soverign over our sins and sinful choices? How is one responsible for their own life if what you are saying about God's sovereignty is true?

    A M 17 de setembro de 2023 19:41 Responder

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