Daniel 03

All Comments

  • Louvado seja Deus

    Sandra Maria 26 de janeiro de 2023 05:12 Responder
  • Glória a Deus

    Alissandra Prata 26 de janeiro de 2023 05:12 Responder
  • Quem está com Deus, não precisa temer o futuro porque está no caminho certo..
    Amém !

    Jiznae Oliveira 26 de janeiro de 2023 05:12 Responder
  • 👏🙏Glória a deus

    Jiznae Oliveira 26 de janeiro de 2023 05:12 Responder
  • The king made an image
    The image was made of gold
    Everyone must worship this image
    The word from the king was told
    All of the important people
    Gathered for its dedication
    With expectations of everyone
    To worship from all of the nations
    One is supposed to sound
    The horn, flute, harp, and lyre
    At the sound, worship this image
    Or you will be thrown into a furnace fire
    Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
    Refuse to do such a thing
    But how dare they defy
    The powerful Babylonian king
    The king could not believe
    These three Jews were not obey
    The angry king told them
    You should certainly do as I say
    The three men said of themselves
    They would not defend
    God was on that side
    The situation He would amend
    Even if God did not
    They said they would be okay
    But they knew that God had power
    To step in and save the day
    The three will not offend
    By worshiping an idol God
    The price of king was humiliated
    He ordered for them to be tied
    They were thrown into the furnace
    Which was heated seven times more
    But there was an extra man
    Walking the furnace floor
    Instead of a troubled trium
    I see a peaceful quad
    And the mysterious fourth man
    He looks like the Son of God
    What has happened here?
    I have not seen this in all my days
    Please come out there
    Your God deserves all the nations' praise
    Everyone should show respect
    To their God to whom they're devoted
    Because of their faith in God
    The three were all promoted
    (By Esther Coleman-Spells)

    Super Teacher 26 de janeiro de 2023 05:12 Responder
  • Amém.Gloriaa a Deus 🙏🙏🙏🙏

    Malu Donha 26 de janeiro de 2023 05:12 Responder
  • Amém

    Gabriel Giosele 26 de janeiro de 2023 05:12 Responder
  • Amém 🙏 palavra abençoada. Me fez entender esse capítulo 03 do livro Daniel..

    Antônia Sá 26 de janeiro de 2023 05:12 Responder
  • Se falasse menos era melhor e lesse mas a palavra

    Maria Santos 26 de janeiro de 2023 05:12 Responder

    Valdeci Silva 26 de janeiro de 2023 05:12 Responder
  • Amem

    Tainara Smaniotto 26 de janeiro de 2023 05:12 Responder
  • Amém 🙏🤝 Rosa

    Rosa Fonseca 26 de janeiro de 2023 05:12 Responder
  • Glória ao nosso SENHOR Jesus Cristo essa passagem bíblica onde esses três servos de são provados a sua fé é tremendo.. eu não seguro as lágrimas.

    mari silva 26 de janeiro de 2023 05:12 Responder
  • Amém.

    Fabiano Ferreira77 26 de janeiro de 2023 05:12 Responder
  • Amém

    jucy assuncao 26 de janeiro de 2023 05:12 Responder

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