Biblical Scholar Explains John 1:1

All Comments

  • Great stuff

    @Fichteberlinski 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • The omnipresence of consciousness is evident in the natural world, from the way the mental maps of bees enable them to work tirelessly and produce honey to the remarkable ability of tree roots to adapt to drought conditions. Human consciousness, however, is far more complex and capable, but also more vulnerable, capable of both great achievements and profound destruction, even to the extent of threatening the planet itself. Understanding the broader picture, whether it's seen as a divine order or an evolutionary process, alongside continual self-reflection, is essential for grasping the essence of humanity.

    Jesus' perspective encompasses a grand vision, focusing on divine order and eternal truths. He encourages continuous human effort and ethical living by integrating both:

    1. The present life in this temporal world, and

    2. The afterlife in the eternal, timeless realm.

    Without the second, there is no answer to the suffering in the first, often referred to as the problem of evil. For Jesus, constant personal effort is the foundation. In contrast, Paul's perspective emphasizes the importance of marking oneself with Jesus’s sacrifice, symbolized by his blood, to be saved from impending judgment and wrath, much like the blood on the doorpost during Passover. This notion of spiritual identity—whether it’s blood, sainthood, sonship, or redemption—can mislead individuals and bind them to unhealthy ideologies and institutions.

    Persistent personal effort and continual reflective consciousness are necessary to protect oneself from various vulnerabilities, including vain desires, selfishness, social media, and misleading figures. Aligning oneself with divine principles is crucial for living a joyful life that reflects these values:

    • Embracing a deepening relationship with the divine: Constantly seek to grow and deepen your faith, cultivating a direct and personal connection with God through prayer, meditation, and reflection.

    • Compassionate and wise relationships with others: Strive to embody the teachings of Jesus in daily life. Actively work to align your thoughts, actions, and intentions with Jesus’ imperatives. Commit to actions that reflect compassion, integrity, and love, as these are seen as manifestations of one’s inner transformation to the truth of human personhood.

    • Positive impact on others: Focus on how your actions positively affect the lives of others and contribute to the greater good, striving to fulfill the prayer, “your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” This reflects the ultimate ethical imperative that **every human life is as valuable as the lives of all living humans**.

    @MotherEarth-I 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Neither God nor Jesus is sun/ light. Jesus’ teachings, like a lamp, provide ‘light’ making the way of life, leading to Eternal Life, clear. Such that the *deeds* of good doers (not Jesus’ face) illuminate (Mat 5:16), And people glorify God when they see their determination and their contribution to the WILL of God (Mat 5, Mat 5:14-16); (bearing fruit in John 15:8 and Pro 11:30).

    Those who wrote Isaiah 60 did not know that there exist billions of billions of stars and the sun is just one of them, central and an integral part of the solar system. The racist bluffing that God Himself will become an exclusive *sun* of ours (Isaiah 60:19) is nonsense. It is a fixing attempt of the editor or the composer to deal with edited passages of sun darkness preceding the destruction of the planetary system. 2 Cor 4:6 (Hebrew 1:3) is nonsense based on nonsense! Neither God nor Jesus is sun/ light. Jesus’s teachings (words) — received from God (e.g. Psalm 119:57, 130, 139; Jer 33:31-32) — are the light of the way of life-Life. One of his disciples who was supposedly flooded with Jesus' radiant face betrayed him and the others were defeated by Paul’s stuff.

    Gen 1:3 has nothing to do with Jesus. It is all about the formation of the solar system and the day-night phenomenon as a result of the axial rotation (spinning) of each planet.

    @MotherEarth-I 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Arbitrary interpretations of loose translations need to be prefaced with the fact that they are arbitrary interpretations of loose translations. We all need to reevaluate where we derive our value and self-worth, and how we express that to others. People are easily misled by a confident tone and may confuse opinion for fact due to it. These comments are wild.

    @Jaeyaar 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • The argument he makes is same as orthodox sect small “o” after council is that his argument is not mainstream but a splinter cult argument

    @TVAccount-f7s 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • My question is, do you come to this with love for God, because love is the only right response to God, as humans we are too vulnerable to the Satanic voice of deception.

    @macmudgee 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • The observation that the 2nd reference to God (Theos) in John 1 does not include the definite article is neither recent nor definitive, but it seems it really got Curt's attention:

    1. It's unclear from other contemporary greek texts of the time that we should expect the definite article to specify "The God"
    2. This is proved internally to this text itself as in vereses 6, 11 and 12 it refers to God the Father without using the definite article
    3. In John 20 Thomas addresses Jesus as Theos preceded by the definite article. So if the author meant to exclude the article to distinguish the Word as "a god" why would the author then include it at such an important part as Thomas's revelation which traditionally was the last scene in the book (before chapter 21 was added later).

    So basically, the lack of the definite article is a red herring, and this was all sorted out academically long ago.

    @aaronbeach 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • This is a copy of my last comment on the main video in case: I had a couple of comments on the John 1:1 segment (video). Here is my whole argument on Gospel of John:

    I. John 1 Prologue

    a. The WORD as the Divine Manifestation:

    – Key Insight: The WORD is the initiator of everything that comes to be, with God possessing the WORD as His Command. This indicates that all beings are within God's power.

    – Scriptural Reference: John 1:3 (Peshitta): Everything is in His Hand.

    – Interfaith Harmony: This concept aligns with the Quranic notion that God says "BE" and it is, reinforcing the interpretation that the WORD was a Divine manifestation rather than "a god."

    b. Translation of "bərêšîṯ":

    – Term Analysis: The word "bərêšîṯ" in Genesis 1:1, and John 1:1 (Peshitta), is often translated as "in the beginning," which is misleading.

    – Proposed Translation: A more accurate translation would be "firstly" or "first and foremost," indicating a sequential order rather than a chronological one. This understanding emphasizes that God first created the planetary system and then the inhabitants, thus avoiding the misconception of linking it to the Big Bang theory.

    II. John’s Conceptualization of the WORD as Light

    A. Jesus as the True Light:

    – Key Insight: "I am the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6) signifies Jesus as the True Light leading to Eternal Life (John 8:12; John 11:25, John 12:35-36).

    B. Following the True Light:

    1. Believe in the Authenticity of Jesus' Words:

    – Key Insight: Jesus communicates God's Commandments of Eternal Life (John 6:27; John 12:50; John 14:23-24, 31; John 17:6-8, 25-26).

    2. Pursue and Keep Jesus’ Teachings:

    – Key Insight: Believers should adhere to Jesus' words and actions (John 8:31; John 14:12, 15, 21, 23, 24; John 15:10, 20).

    3. Love Through Commandment Keeping:

    – Key Insight: True love for Jesus is demonstrated by keeping his Commandments (John 14:23-24; John 15:10), as Jesus did for God's Commandments (John 14:31).

    4. Belief Despite Personal Dislike:

    Key Insight: Even if not personally favorable, belief in the works Jesus performs for God's satisfaction is crucial (John 10:37-38).

    5. Motivation Driven by God’s Will:

    – Key Insight: Jesus' drive is fulfilling God's will (John 4:34, John 5:30, 38), and believers should similarly pursue God's WORDS for Eternal Life (John 6:33, John 6:27, 33; John 11:25).

    C. Faith in Jesus Leading to Eternal Life:

    · Key Insight: Faith in Jesus and adherence to his teachings lead to Eternal Life (John 3:16).

    · Role of the Spirit:

    o For Prophets: The Spirit acts as a medium through which Prophets receive God's words, ensuring the divine WILL is conveyed accurately to humanity.

    o For Believers: Believers connect to God through the omnipresent Spirit, which guides their life (mind-body journey) and enables a deep reflective consciousness. This consciousness helps them become well-determined and purposeful co-workers of God, integral parts of the divine order. This connection can be achieved through prayer, mindfulness, and meditation, allowing believers to align their thoughts and actions with divine principles, contributing to “your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

    · Transformation through the Spirit: The Spirit's role in transforming believers into sons of Light is profound, whether through the direct revelation received by Prophets or through constant personal spiritual and good-doing practices.

    @MotherEarth-I 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • "Why do you call me good? There is none good but God." … So i don't know where this idea that Christ is God comes from. And LOOK: "God looked upon what He (i say "They") made, and it was good." So…🤷

    @mediocrates3416 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • This guy is so dishonest ant is trying to pass of major heresies as actual Christian. Sad and pathetic. Also the trinity is not only in the New Testament but also the Old.

    @arnoldvezbon6131 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Another point is the term “bərêšîṯ” in Genesis 1:1 (Peshitta uses the same word in John 1:1). The English transition of “bərêšîṯ” as “in the beginning” and 'as the beginning of the Creation’ (the time close to zero) is ** absolutely wrong **. An acceptable translation could be “firstly” or “first and foremost” in the sequential sense that first God created the required planetary system (the planet earth as the dwelling place) and then He created the inhabitants of the earth. In other words, Gen 1:1 is a sequential order NOT a chronological order. Although they are similar concepts but distinctly different. For priests it seems everything is everything but distinguished scholars should make the distinction and avoid the trap of philosophizing the singularity and the Big Bang theory!

    @MotherEarth-I 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • I think the bottom line is something like this: The WORD, as the initiator of everything that comes to BE, was with God and in the sense that God is the possessor of the WORD as His Command, such that the being of everything is in ‘His Hand’ (Power) { ܟ݁ܽܠ ܒ݁ܺܐܝܕ݂ܶܗ ܗܘܳܐ John 1:3 Peshitta} — God says BE and it comes to be (The Quran at least eight times)!

    @MotherEarth-I 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • On the youngest day all debates will fall silent and be obsolete.

    @Tubemanjac 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Here are some interesting quotes on John 1:1c from scholars:

    Yale New Testament scholar Adela Yarbro-Collins notes regarding John 1:1:

    “…the third clause of John 1:1 may be translated either ‘the Word was God’ or ‘the Word was a god’. Justin Martyr apparently understood the passage in the latter way. According to Henry Chadwick, ‘Justin had boldly spoken of the divine logos as ‘another God’ beside the Father, qualified by the gloss ‘other, I mean, in number, not in will.’” (Adela Yarbro-Collins, King and Messiah as Son of God), pp. 175 & 176

    She and Henry Chadwick were referring to this comment by Martyr:

    “Then I replied, ‘I shall attempt to persuade you, since you have understood the Scriptures, [of the truth] of what I say, that there is, and that there is said to be, another God and Lord subject to the Maker of all things; who is also called an Angel, because He announces to men whatsoever the Maker of all things–above whom there is no other God–wishes to announce to them.'”


    Origen appealed to John 1:1, which has no definite article in the expression "the Word was God" & therefore could be translated "the Word was a God" (or perhaps "divine").
    Christology: A Global Introduction By Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen

    Scholar Paula Fredriksen published a new book titled "Ancient Christianities." She wrote concerning John 1:

    “John, by contrast, begins his account with an elaborate theological prologue: Christ is the Logos of God. He takes on flesh. (John does not explain how: he includes no birth narrative.) He descends into the lower realm and then ascends again, to the Father. In English, the prologue reads, “And the Logos was God.” Again, punctuation and capitalization, both modern conventions, can distort the Greek. Translated literally and somewhat crudely, John’s text reads, “In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with the God, and the Logos was god.” To claim—which was incoherent according to the canons of ancient thought—that the Logos was the same entity as the supreme god, the article would have to be repeated before the second theos, “god.” Thus, “the God was the Logos.” The prologue claims a high divinity for the Logos, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, the only one who has seen the Father. (How anyone sees the invisible God is another question that will occupy theologians.) John's Logos preexists his incarnation. Still subordinate, then, though highly divine; indeed, as in Philo, John's Logos is the most divine being after God himself.”


    The NAB-St. Joseph's Edition in a footnote at John 1:1 says that, "The Roman writer Pliny mentions the Christians of Asia Minor as singing hymns of Christ as a god.


    John L. McKenzie:

    “Jn. 1:1 should rigorously be translated ‘the word was with the God [=the Father], and the word was a divine being.’”​ (Dictionary of the Bible, 1965), p. 317

    Scholar Jason David BeDuhn PhD on John 1:1:

    “John was speaking of “a god” or “a divine being.” (Truth in Translation, Jason David BeDuhn, pg. 127, 2003)

    “Grammatically, John 1:1 is not a difficult verse to translate. It follows familiar, ordinary structures of Greek expression… A minimal literal (‘formal equivalence’) translation would rearrange the word order to match proper English expression: ‘And the Word was a god.’” (Truth in Translation), p. 132


    C.H.Dodd writes:
    “If a translation were a matter of substituting words, a possible translation of [theos en ho logos]; would be “The Word was a god”. As a word-for-word translation it cannot be faulted." Technical Papers for The Bible Translator, Vol 28, No.1, January 1977.

    Scholar Murray J. Harris has written: “Accordingly, from the point of view of grammar alone,[QEOS HN hO LOGOS] could be rendered “the Word was a god,…” -Jesus As God, 1992, p.60.

    J. W. Wenham, in The Elements of New Testament Greek, writes: “As far as grammar alone is concerned, such a sentence could be printed theos estin ho logos, which would mean either, ‘The Word is a god,’ or, ‘The Word is the god.’ The interpretation of John 1.1 will depend upon whether the writer is held to believe in only one God or in more than one god.”

    Thus, theology rather than grammar is the stated reason for preferring ‘The Word was God.'”

    @thambone30 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Regarding John Gospel the argument is as simple as the following (A) (B) (C), comprising a few concepts, and less than five hundred words (compare to over 900 pages of Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)):

    (A) “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6) indicates that Jesus is the True Light of the way of life leading to “Eternal Life” (John 8:12; John 11:25, John 12:35-36).

    (B) “I am True Light” points to follow me (my teachings) and not get lost and be wasted in darkness (John 1:5, John 3:19-21; John 8:12, John 12:46):

    ——– (B1) Believe and trust that I am not fabricating WORDS (in the context of centuries of epidemic lies), I am communicating God’s WORDS/Commandments of Eternal Life (John 6:27; John 12:50; John 14:23-24, 31; John 17:6-8, 25-26), so

    ——– (B2) If you believe in me, hold to and pursue my WORD (John 8:31), do what I am doing, and keep my WORDS/Commandments (John 14:12, 15, 21, 23, 24; John 15:10, 20).

    ——- (B3) And if you claim that you love me, keep my Commandments and pursue my WORD (John 14:23-24; John 15:10); continued love of God for me is due to my action of keeping His Commandments (John 15:10) — doing exactly what God commanded me is manifestation of my love for God (John 14:31) and to the extent that I am willing to lay down my life for God’s purpose (John 10:17).

    ——- (B4) Even if you don't like me personally, yet you as a God believer, believe the works that I am doing for God’s satisfaction (John 10:37-38).

    —— (B5) The food (motivation/drive) of Jesus is fulfillment of God’s WILL who sent him and to accomplish the work assigned to him (John 4:34, John 5:30, 38) — glorifying God by doing the assigned work (John 17:4). In the same way your drive (food) should be WORDS of God sent by Jesus which will lead to Eternal Life (John 6:33) —understand the WORDS and pursue the WORD of Eternal Life (John 6:27, 33). Jesus has WORDS of Eternal Life (John 6:68), that is why he is the resurrection and Life (John 11:25).

    (C) Thus, if you have faith in Jesus and pursue his WORD you will never see death (John 8:49) and you will have Eternal Life (John 3:16) rejoicing with Jesus together (John 4:33-36). Jesus prevailed from the very start of the test and affirmed that humans should live on every WORD that comes from the mouth of God (Matt 4:4) — the WORDS (conveyed by Spirit) give life (John 6:63) and bring joy and delight (Jeremiah 15:16). The Spirit conveys the words of God to the recipients (Prophets) and according to God’s command. Believe in Light (the WORD and his WORDS) to become sons of Light! If words (letters) are killer, it is the Spirit that is killing — Paul doesn’t know what he is talking about (2 Cor 3:6) and it seems he was in touch with the wrong spirit!

    @MotherEarth-I 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Curt, if you are actually searching for deeper meaning to life and reality, then the invitation to come to Yeshua-Jesus is open, to come to him and drink of the water of life (John 7:37-39 )

    [37] On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. [38] Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” [39] Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified. (ESV)

    This reads like Yeshua has divine authority and prerogative to know everyone who comes to him, from where ever they are. I can attest that Yeshua poured out his Gift of the Holy Spirit on me when I asked for that Gift. This was before I knew Greek, or understood clearly the arguments about "theology." There's no real excuse for not understanding the nature of the Almighty Creator, but when questions arise, it is always recommended to seek Him. I grew up a reductionist materialist non-theist, and only in my early 20's I left that nihilistic hopelessness to search for the Almighty Creator – Pantocrator. In my experience he is faithful to those who earnestly seek him.

    @W.H.Strathmann 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • It is interesting that the concept of the God of 2 powers was was discussed by the Jewish leaders of the 2nd Temple period. Interesting they no longer took this position after Jesus Christ was crucified and resurrected.

    @mare_sheep9724 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • The FLESH can not enter into the Presence of God.
    The spirit of JESUS is not the same as JESUS in the flesh.

    @woundeddove 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Yes, My GOD name is JESUS CHRIST.
    He is omnipresent. He is life.
    There is no life without him.
    Read and OBEY: ACTS 2:38 . Ask for the gift of the HOLY GHOST.
    Then you’ll know without a doubt he his who he says he is.

    @woundeddove 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Biblical scholars are the Pharisees of this age like the Jews of old. who thought they knew by reading when the truth is inside you and reading is only to clarify that which you were born with. They constantly want to tell you what things mean when scripture speaks to you on a personal level. Good luck.
    If they can’t understand how a computer can run a self driving car with a driver who can take over at any time how can they ever expect to understand the Trinity?

    @Jesus2-eu2ik 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Jesus was a “WORD” of God when God uttered “Let there be Jesus” and Mary conceived Jesus; the same way that various formation stages of our planetary system, and development of life on the earth, occurred in Gen 1: “Let there be X”. The “WORDS” of God (the Gospel) then were sent by a WORD (Jesus) of God. The Gospel of John is a highly redacted text!

    @MotherEarth-I 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Even if we could determine the precise meaning of the original authors we still confront a text comprising pre-scientific nonsense. However, I'm not opposed to justifiably earnest analysis of the origin of a gravely destructive meme, and how its viral spread engendered such profound ignorance and stupidity throughout human society.
    Mankind's greatest blessing has always been that none of our gods are real.

    @davidrichards1302 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Although there are theological and linguistical subtleties in the Scriptures, the main authority for the interpretation of the texts is the Holly Spirit, i.e. by revelation, so that only the divinely inspired people can correctly interpret the Bible. That is why the Orthodox Church has always given the correct interpretation of the Scriptures, because this interpretation was given by the saints. As far as the mystery of the Holly Trinity is concerned, there are many analogies which have a pedagogical purpose, but for the people with a background in physics, one can think of an elementary particle of spin 1, which has three states of spin along a z axis, i.e. 1,0 and -1. This is analogous to one God existing coeternally and consubstantially in three divine persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

    @aleksandarmikovic9422 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Would love to see you have Dr. Ammon Hillman on if you want real controversy from a world class Greek philologist.

    @mongoose539 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • This is so dumb. This goober doesn't get to reinterpret the Bible. The Bible was already interpreted by the Church Fathers. Christ is God and this all the way in the old testament. This is just a series of word concept fallacies. Literally all the nonsense this guy brought up was dealt with in the Ecumenical Councils. Rediscovering heresies is not deep or original.

    @arnoldvezbon6131 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Get Sam Shamoun

    @younis9819 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Did you ask him about the controversial interpretation of Ammon Hillman? I'd love to hear what another ancient Greek expert has to say on Ammons take (which, just personally, I don't believe for a second)

    @reporeport 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • In the beginning was spirit and the spirit was with God and the spirit is God.

    @jan-martinulvag1962 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • People think they can get accuracy from a translation of a translation from copies of copies from people with motives and still from word of mouth. Meh

    @fgjfgjrtjr 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Look at all these theologians and physics experts, we truly live in a time of great intellectual flowering! What the hell is happening here is everyone ok?

    @jpvdt 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • If this guy is a biblical scholar in Greek I'm Jesus,. Lord forgive me just making a point…

    @RepairerOfthebreach-zf5th 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Virgin Mary means that Mary the mother of Jesus was a Virgin when married to Joseph, her virginity entitled her and Joseph to the ownership of the land and ability to pass the home to their son Jesus.

    Trinity is a Farsi word " سه گانگی – se-ghanegy " which means "[concept of] three [owners]".
    Father is the builder and the original owner of the house [there was no divorce and the mothers were automatically co owners with fathers),
    Sons will inherit the property to protect the mother and other siblings when the father is too old or is dead. Daughters were getting married and co-owned their husband's property.
    The Holy is " خالی – khali '' which means when the property is vacant and the word Spirit is " از بین رفت – az-bain-raft " which means building that is in ruins or was destroyed, in this state the Church will take ownership of the property and use it for single women, children and elders with no support.
    In the Bible, God is the landlord.
    The Trinity was the base of the entire Christian and Western Civilization.
    The Council of Nicaea formalized Trinity as the official rule of the land and Constantin centralized and unified registering the properties (issuing deeds) and recording their owners' names, to that date registering and recording was done by local real estate agents and escrow companies of the time dominated by jews who were abusing and trafficking and abusing women and children who needed food and home.
    The concept of killing the first sons is to kill the future homeowner.

    @ShonMardani 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Logos is a Farsi/Persian word " ناموس – namoos " which means "Honor"
    Pros is " پیروز – pyrooz" which means victorious / triumphant.

    @ShonMardani 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Logos, vibration… longitudinal, scaler.. standing, coherent, magnetic. None of those are complete, but it's close or at least heading in the accurate conceptual "direction"

    @weinerdog137 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • The philosophical essay Reality in Existence, in Portuguese, referes to Logos as an "existencial mediator" beween the God All-Mighty uncreated and all his creatures.

    @heitorchierentin6885 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Swedenbord answers this with first hand knowledge. Jesus is God completely and entirely in every way.

    @forgeteverythingyouknow5413 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Isn't this by definition a misleading video? Who said that 'most God'?

    @peterchindove7146 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • WTF is this shit? i thought this is a science channel.

    @Aanthanur 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • This is an amazing explanation. I actually understood everything the guest speaker said. Made perfect sense

    @ionatanaflamestyle 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • God of Abraham is not Triune. He is one true God, and Christ was only a prophet and His servant. Johanine and Pauline literature is a development. There is no New Testament. The original testament or covenant gas always been there, embedded in consciousness of every human. Kindly read thd Quran.

    @hassanmirza2392 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Gotta read the Talmud of Jmmanuel

    @Legaleyespeace 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Sometimes i look at John1:1 as
    "In the beginning was the Logos, the Logos was with The Divine, and the Logos was divine."

    @voltairedentotalenkrieg5147 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • So, we have to accept, if God wanted all ambiguity gone… clear, explicit, unequivocal doctrine… God coulda made that happen. The "Glass Darkly" plan apparently is to muddle through this place bumping into every stump and rock… by faith, and humility trusting God's got this.

    We have no idea where we are, where we came from or even where or if we're going somewhere after, but I know evil exists, and I know I want no part in it, so, like the publican, in ignorance, all I can do is pray "God be merciful to me a sinner" and muddle on.

    @craftycri 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • The scribes altered the word of God:
    Bible: “’How can you say, “We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD,” when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?" (Jeremiah 8:8).
    Quran: "Woe to their learned people, who write the law with their own hands and then say to the people, "This is from God," so that they might gain some worldly gain" (Quran 2:79)

    @mohamedyoussef8835 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • John 1:1 doesn’t necessarily need to be describing deities at all. It may just be describing the beginning state of a physical process that formed the universe. The term “word” could just be a descriptive of an initial frequency. Monotheism being the practice of celebrating that singular initial instance of material existence. Then the “word” was with god, describing the subsequent break up of that singular instance of matter into all the material that exists today. Polytheism being the practice of celebrating our existence as it currently exists. Ultimately the same expression but at different points of the same physical process that started as one and through a process of nuclear transmutation ended up as many. I have a model of how frequencies can interact to produce material structures if you’re interested.

    @libertykrueger1433 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder
  • Change the title! Misleading and unfair to the intellectual and religious integrity of DBH.

    @kristiandelcantero 8 de fevereiro de 2025 04:36 Responder

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