5 Things You Need To Know About How God Speaks To Us | Hearing God Part 1

All Comments

  • What does it mean when someone climbs in through another way?

    Jules 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🥰

    Cristabel Tirado 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • The holy ghost said separate unto me barnabus and Saul. He can speak if he wants but it's not always in voice form

    Gary Guill 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Yes , indeed I pray with you and for you all my brothers and sisters, sinners and saints, on Jesus Mighty Name Amen. Here we go

    Ronnie Mallett 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Primarily God speaks Thru His WORD.

    ann job 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Meditating on Scripture and memorizing the word of God
    and being led by the Holy
    Spirit God will reveal to you
    His will

    Cathy 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Like Rafiki 😂

    Cassie Burke 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Thank you so much for struggling through your issues to give us this message

    Gina Meredith 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • GOD only speaks to us in these days through his written Word the Bible! Please give me a Bible verse in the New Testament that God spoke directly to besides the Disciples???

    Brenda Evans 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Pray for Tele Richmond, Cash McCaster, Amillion Richmond and my mother and bother Jimmie Rogers Richmond break the Curse I want my son and family

    Falecia Richmond 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Please pray for Jacob mandavid Pray his heart in mind is changed and his attitude is that on Jesus help come to open app his Bible and read help him to continuously look towards you how change his life for the better help him to be able to be who he needs to be in Christ to leave others too Christ hope hes at work in the places that hes at now which happens to be jailed so far please send Christians his way send him prophecies send him healing sent him miracles that I have seen you R real

    Sarah Colby 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • God speaks through the written word, the bible. How do you know it is God speaking? Was it God speaking to Joseph Smith? The Watch Tower? and so on, if not? who was it? if it was, then you should follow what they say.

    Danny Loyd 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • If you're able to tell you testimony in jail's institutions and mental hospitals they need you more now than ever we're about to go into a new world order and everything is going to change if you don't keep your focus on Jesus Christ how can you see the light we are the light so continue to shine your light where the darkness is which is jails institutiand the government politics please make sure that you are sharing your testimony wherever you can please make sure that you are continuously talking about the Lord do not let your light go dark and stand up against the enemy sing in the most Amazing way make sure you praise the Lord for everything in your day

    Sarah Colby 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Praise king Jesus for this , and for a message I was just praying about !

    DashRendarr 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • You look like your 16😊 definitely don't look 31

    John 3:16-18 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Love your teachings. Praying that you get well soon!! 🙏

    Little Lamb 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Amen. The FATHER is not meant to be understood, HE is meant to be obeyed. The sooner we obey, the sooner we shall understand.

    Clayton Winner 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • I definitely need this . . . pleasantly surprised that I was indeed familiar with all of these OT scriptures. LOVE that I am not too old to learn something new – anything that can help me recognize how to listen for God's voice & discern what may not be from God, I always need more info to comprehend clearly. Thank you young man, I look forward to further studies on this subject.

    sydney.g.sloan gamma gee 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Thank you for this teaching. It is meat.

    Diane Plescia 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • This young man is so knowledgeable. A gift from God.

    eyeonHim333 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Thank you for this great message which is timely. I was beginning to ask myself if The Most High really does speak to me. Now I see He does in various ways.

    Nancy “NancyPam” 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • God speaks any way he wishes. Praise God🙏🏻✝️🙏🏻

    B Brownlee 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • 3 whole cloves a day will stop wheezing

    Bobbie Leland 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • I need advice.

    At work, there are a bunch of evil managers who torment other employees. They are too afraid to speak up. I cannot stand by and allow this to happen and have been complaining to no avail.

    Then I was injured by their retaliation, and I have plenty of proof and can file a work comp case. But is this to help others or help myself?

    I turned to my Bible and God and am still confused about what to do, which scares me because I just watched your video on hearing God. Am I not hearing Him speak to me?

    This morning I asked God to help me once again. I opened the Bible to a random page and it was Acts 5:38-7. I first read 7 and did not understand. Then 6 and did not understand. Then at the top of the page, which is 5:38. I got an answer but am confused about what the passage meant. If I stand up to man nothing will come of it and will be fighting God. If I walk away, and give this to God, God will resolve the problem.

    My options:

    1. File a complaint to HR and quit. Hoping that the managers get fired, but the other employees get a better work environment. I get nothing,

    2. I file a complaint, file for workers comp, I get something, and hope the evil managers are fired and the employees get a better working environment. But will this lead to a better environment for my fellow employees?

    My heart tells me to turn the cheek and forgive, but file a complaint to HR and walk away having faith that God will care for me and those employees being mistreated.

    Yesterday, while wrestling with this, I said, Hey God, can you give me 500,000, really just in fun? That night, I got a check for 579 bucks from the government, which I was not expecting. I thought it was humorous and thanked God.

    In the morning, I prayed and opened my Bible and later noticed the left arm of Christ on my crucifix was missing.

    I know God is working through me. Are there any passages that can help me? Do you have advice or any of your followers?

    Thanks, Curtis.

    Curtis 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • The only way God speaks is through his word the Bible. Anything else is mystical or gnostic. Heb 1:1-2 check out Justin Peters and jim Osman. Also Chris Rosenberg from fighting for the faith doesa series on the critique of the book Experiencing God and how it's herical.

    Angie 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder

    Patricia Johnson 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Glory to Jesus for these. Concerning knowing His word. I spend countless hours reading and studying God's word, but I find that I forget most of it. This really bothers me. Any advice? Stay blessed. Papama South Africa

    Papama Jabavu 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Thats what You Are Doing,,Good for You..😍🤩👍

    Mojacko Torres 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Thank you for this series. At 67 I still struggle to hear God speaking to me; when I do hear it, I hear it without a doubt. Still learning.

    William Halbleib 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • I have a favor to ask of all my brothers and sisters in Christ. PLEASE pray for my sons Michael and Timothy that they will believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Savior and Redeemer. I ask this not only for my sons but for EVERY person who has not yet given their hearts to the Lord. My deepest longing and heart desire is to see every unbeliever come before the Lord in repentance. I want them all to worship the One true God. I want them to get baptized in the Holy Name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Please let us pray for every unbeliever because I believe in the power of prayer. We worship the God who makes the impossible, possible. I pray that we will boldly share the gospel and be instruments of God.

    Suman Henehan 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • I hope you feel better soon from your respiratory wheezing and cough. 🙏

    Trad Cat 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Can God speak audibly today?

    Jennifer Hepburn 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • St. John 12:48

    May Mckissick 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • St. John 12:48

    May Mckissick 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • I have bluetooth capability on my hearing aids and God tunes right in on them. Sorry, couldn't resist a little humor.

    Brad Harford 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Sorry to post multiple comments on one video, but would you consider creating a video on what makes someone a “prophet” as opposed to someone who hears God’s voice but is not a prophet?

    Stephen Strager 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • “She’s my sister! Don’t listen to her!” 😂😂😂

    Stephen Strager 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Wow!
    That “God speaks through” list is so phenomenal!!!
    Thank you!

    Stephen Strager 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Jason, I’m curious about your perspective on this: Based on your experience with God’s character, would a “call” to join the military and train to kill (or provide support to those who fight and kill) be contradictory to God’s character and therefore not based on God’s voice? Based on your experience, would you say that such a calling is possible, or would it be inspired by something not as good as God’s voice, things such as patriotism or a desire to right wrongs, etc.? I’m not asking this as a challenge to anyone or with any agenda of my own. I honestly don’t have an answer, and I’m sincerely interested in what you would say.

    Stephen Strager 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Great word bro! Agree with you 100% on everything. 🔥

    Brad Patterson 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Thank you brother… This was very insightful! You help me understand scripture on a much deeper level. God bless you and keep it up no matter what! 🙏

    1. God speaks primarily through his word, his son.
    2. God doesn't always deliver a message the same way.
    3. When God speaks, it doesn't always carry to same purpose or intent.
    4. God's personal message to an individual, might not be just for you, or even about you. It might be a message for someone else.
    5. When God speaks directly to someone (outside of scripture but not in contradiction to scripture) or through someone, that doesn't make them a profit. People can receive messages from God through Dreams, Visions, by the spirit of God. And they don't have to be a profit. Because even enemies of God receive God's messages.

    Canva Tuts by courtcrea 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • I'm really glad that you mentioned the fact that many people don't believe that any new prophecies are coming out and they only believe that it was for the prophets of old.

    I have a friend who after years of being a staunch atheist, had a dream about meeting Jesus, and between that and the prayers of his wife, in the last 5 years he has changed everything around and just finished Bible school and is trying to become a minister.

    I think part of the reason why many of these people and a lot of up-and-coming Christians do not believe that there are any more prophecies and they do not believe that there are any more dreams or visions or anything like that, is because they are actually teaching that in Bible schools these days. Depending on the Bible school you attend.

    And it just kind of threw me for a loop because not only did he change his mind about Christ after having a dream about Christ, something and someone he never believed in never in his life….

    but I told him about visions and dreams that I have had since O was a small girl…. and he knows they have come true.

    I mean I have quite a few things that have happened in my life that God had given me as a vision or a dream months and years prior and some of them came to pass.

    His own wife has had a few dreams two.
    And a small handful of people around him has too.

    So he's got plenty of proof in front of him.
    But he flat out still will not believe that God is handing out any more prophetic words.
    He flat out will not believe that people are dreaming dreams about God or about things to come or about things in their lives that need to be changed or adjusted.
    And he thinks that people who have visions, are either making it up or they don't have the Holy spirit.

    And as I will agree with the fact that there are many people out there who have visions and have dreams and oftentimes you think it may be God, and it turns out to be a very false spirit.

    But there are also True Believers out there that are Dreaming Dreams and they are having visions. And they are actually hearing from God.

    I don't know if he will watch this video….but I hope so.

    He's now the type of person that he loves to share videos and the things that he shares he believes are absolutely true.
    But the moment that you share something with him, he either rejects it or flat out won't watch it or even if a statement is true he will sort of tear apart everything else.

    So I am praying for patience with dealing with him. And I think it's the fact that he's a baby christian.

    And new to understanding the word of God…. and because he just found God and went to Bible school, he thinks he now has a benchmark on knowing absolutely everything. Which is unbelievably frustrating

    Because every time I try to explain to him that he's got a long way to go. Like all of us have a long way to go within our walk with christ. The fact that I have not gone to Bible School….and he has….always gets mentioned.

    I'm very glad he has given his life to god. I'm very glad he's going to become a minister. And he's already started taking over some of the servants for the church that he belongs to. But it also makes me very nervous because if he is so new to the gospel and so new to understanding who and what Jesus is about and how the Holy Spirit works in your life, then what he's going to be doing is he's going to be using Pride because he's going to read the scripture and understand it in the ways is correct. And so he will be leading others down the same path. And I've tried to warn him about this very gently, but I think he just thinks my opinion is nonsense. And it's a little alarming.

    Anyways….thank you for listening. And thank you for the video.

    God bless you and your family ❤🙏

    C.E. BENSON 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • Why do you use ESV instead of using King James version? I personally will never go away from King James version because of information I found out. Some other text are actually missing many words, and even verses up to 60,000 words. don’t get me wrong. I appreciate what you do and how you teach others. I just would think it would be better to utilize the Bible version that is accurate. Another person I follow is channel name. @truthinchrist he gives a detailed reason Y the king James version is so important to use. One of the videos I watched, was him showing how it came about based on Apostle Paul’s journey.

    KPTV75-Poynor's Motor Supplies 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • 32 It is important to listen God speaking . 6 hours ago

    Thando Lwethu 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • "Faith without works is dead…" – what is the work? is it the same as "saved through faith not by works…"?

    Qwick Vids 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • “And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual”.
    Every word we speak was taught to us by the Holy Spirit. Not by human wisdom. And the same Spirit helps us teach spiritual things to spiritual persons….
    Human beings led by the Spirit wrote the word of God.The same Spirit helps us interpret the word of God to us.

    Ted Price 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • We have to set ourselves up to hear God's voice…it's a bit electromagnetic…we have to tune into His frequency. This is achieved by adopting the Ten Commandments as our way of life. If we take a tip from the lilies in the valley we adopt a meekness that brings a wonderful energy into our own nervous system that will faithfully guide us to the New heavens and the New Earth, regardless of what Satan, or Wormwood, throws at us…and it's all thanks to Jesus Christ.

    Trevor Bates 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • 🙏May Jehovah Rapha heal you quickly🙏. Thank you for another blessed teaching❣️

    stacyspace 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • I also wanted to thank God for your gift of teaching and you for obeying – be healed and God bless you and yours 🙏

    Velma Mellix 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder
  • 😂 Jason man, what is wrong with you 😅😊😊

    Velma Mellix 18 de novembro de 2023 22:44 Responder

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