#3183 2 Witnesses Of Rev 11 Are 2 Olive Trees Of Zech 4- Priest And King Give Oil To 7 Candlesticks

00:00:00 Introduction Hymns Emails Announcements 00:25:55 Beginning Of Bible Lesson 00:40:55 Chapter 1 00:55:55 Chapter 2 …

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  • Message Begins At 25:55

    @GraceTruthMinistries 4 de janeiro de 2024 13:33 Responder
  • The two witnesses have been here. It’s not two old wizards sent from above, it’s two young men full of testosterone. One is royal, one is priestly. Just as Zerubabbel and Joshua the high priest. All glorifies Yeshua who is King and priest. Yeshua is King of kings and the highest priest but He will be raising up a king/prince as prophesied by Ezekiel, Hosea, and Jeremiah. Malachi prophesied of the other feller. The Bible says by name the two men who will be back. The two olive trees of Zechariah 4. They will be well established and known by the whole world and even respected for years before their Revelation 11 ministry. During those 3 and a half years, that’s when they will be hated the most. They will help with a great harvest of souls and gathering of the scattered Jews before their 3 and a half year Revelation 11 ministry starts.

    @DavidDaunis 4 de janeiro de 2024 13:33 Responder
  • Thanks G&T team you are the best. A&P to the believing all in Christ.
    Matthew 5:14 “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.”
    Revelation 19:12 “His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.”
    Revelation 1:14 “His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;”

    @dispersingweight 4 de janeiro de 2024 13:33 Responder
  • Good Evening Pastor Jim …

    @leonardomaste1029 4 de janeiro de 2024 13:33 Responder

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