29 Signs of the Jezebel Spirit | Pastor Mark Driscoll

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  • How does a female lead her husband to not be jezebel spirit. They’re clearly sick(demonic and shouldn’t be in control or do we just leave)

    Heather Harris 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • Living alone together.. Husband and wives stay married but they have two homes. they have two homes, two schedules and two routines… living apart together.. Jezebel wants to control leaders. If you are leader, you will deal jezebel. They love to control families.. 2.king 11 Jezebels daughter is more controlling than she is .. the only woman in the nation who rules without king 6 years…Gifts which strings attached…

    Sam The Man 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • I have a high spectrum covert narcissist husband. Everything you said made me cry. The tone made me react. Then I thought is this thing in me? I felt sick, confused. I’m going to my Lord.

    Vivienne Makepeace 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • I know a seductive Jezebel that has taken over a nice young man's life. She moved in with him, quotes scripture, brags about who she is and what she can do, has many around her believing how valuable she is, takes meth and has the young man on drugs also. I am not even sure he wants out of this situation.

    June Khoury 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • "Only the most healthy person should control the legacy" — There are no healthy people in my legacy. Thank you Jesus for rescuing me.

    Michael Benjamin 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • Dad was an Ahab with his mother and sisters but a Jezebel to his wife and kids.

    Mom was oppressed until she got saved. However she was slowly becoming Ahab because I too developed Jezebel tendencies but only to protect her and help her manage the home(still controlling).
    When they divorced, she gradually acted the Jezebel and I became fearful like the Ahab.
    Mom and I are now delivered from both and are learning to develop the ways of Elijah

    Juliet Nebblett 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • The pot calling the kettle black?

    coachraylo 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • 😍 This. So convicting.

    HowmuchcanaKoalaBear? 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • This sounds very much like narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).

    MrNativeTXN 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • Pastor Mark has met my mom.

    Texas Jelly 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • Whatever you do, don't ever call your wife a Jezebel, or say she has a Jezebel spirit.

    gmdc 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • Have you done teachings relating these demonic spirits to our whole culture? I.e. government, media etc?

    Faith McDonnell 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • Wow, praise the Lord for this very valuable teaching! Thank you, this has blessed me, immensely. Hallelujah 🙌

    marthasbeautylife ™ 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • Dead on.

    Claire-Elizabeth Djaballah 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • Pastor with a hat???

    Dennis Duhon 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • God is using Driscoll in a prophetic way. Today was a clear example of Jezebel! We have a spiritual war going on.

    Supercell chaser 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • Hi a woman here 👋 I thought I had more for a jezabel spirit but after hearing you describe a jezabel spirit I'm now starting to believe I have more of a ahab spirit this sermon has been really eye opening for me

    Renzo Benz 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • 💯🔥🔥👍🏽💪 Powerful Stuff!!! Thank you for preaching this series Pastor Mark!! Much love from Oklahoma!

    The Swimmer Tribe 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • I attended a Seattle church once, it was run by a raging Jezabel. Apparently she moved south and grew a beard.

    Victoria Thorlacius 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • amazing explanation. i can't wait for the next sermon. May the holy Spirit drive away the spirits of ahab and jezebel from this church. Praise God!

    harpazo11 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • Brother can you plz suggest a prayer and video for to get saved from Jezebel spirit

    Laya Thomas 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • Enlightening sermon, describing succinctly the chaos I just escaped. My mother and fathers dynamic is exactly this. Now I’m recently saved and forming in the Spirit, I witnessed the chaos my Mother Jezzebel stirred up in her quest for power. My eyes are open now and it was a lot to witness and frustrating as everybody in the family can’t see it. They just hear her lies and get played. Totally played. Triangulation and regular verbal abuse is excused and swept under the carpet to keep the peace.
    Ironically, me being calm and loving towards her more so lately, may have made her feel safe enough to open up and tell me she was sexually assaulted as a little girl by a stranger. There’s the trauma. Yet she never had told my father, nor anybody else. Yet, sadly, part of me was in reserve about if any of it were true as she is the master manipulator in the family. Next day, she turned and I was caught in her web of bs warfare. I refused to stick around. She had no power over me anymore and she was surprised when I shut down the conversation and insisted she talk to me with respect. I chose to leave and risk living alone to heal from a broken ankle than stay with her and my father when they offered to help look after me. I prayed and for the first time was urged strongly to tell either one of my parents my testimony and discuss Jesus. Mum couldn’t stand it. She believes in God but ignores Jesus. She mocked me about praying for me as I hobbled out the door. While my father gave me money and a lift to the airport. The only way I managed to keep her from coming with us was by telling her I planned to tell Dad about the Bible on the way 😂.
    I left my Bible for him in the man cave and pray he picks it up one day.

    Dominique 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • Love the hook in the mouth. Made perfect sense.

    Jay Flaherty 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • Looking forward to hearing your advice next week on how to deal with a Jezebel. It’s a very difficult situation to navigate for men. They can lose everything.

    Pro Deo 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • I'm favoured, $230K every 4weeks! can now afford anything and also support God's work and the church.

    John frank 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • This series so far has been so eye opening. Something I prayed about tonight regarding myself, and I'll put it out there in case it helps someone else, I have Ahab tendencies and Jezebel moments. It's interesting.

    When it comes to responsibility and duty, meaning there are things that need to be done that should be done, I'm an Ahab. But when I'm not in a position I want to be in, I'm a Jezebel.

    It used to be that I wanted to be in control, be my own boss, be a leader, all of that, and I was a Jezebel to get it (overpowering, domineering even), and when I got it, I became an Ahab, doing just what's necessary to stay there, but not actually be responsible and build up the thing I wanted when I got it.

    And it started when I was a kid. I used to get picked on and jumped and beat up, and being the only boy with 3 sisters, I was always told, "you don't know your own strength," "you have to be patient," "don't fight," and all of that combined over the years to be being a very passive person, and what would happen is, when I had enough, I'd snap and the Jezebel would come out. Absolute terrifying rage. People were scared of me and I loved it.

    I'm several years removed from the worst of me, a decade or more since the Lord started working on me and changing me, and I've been living the life of discipleship for almost 5 years now, (since I turned 40; I'm 45 now), but even that far removed from it, I recognize that I still have faint tendencies of both.

    And depending on where I a, what the situation is, or the environment, one or the other tendency will become dominant.

    I recognized that through this series so far and the thing I'm praying for an working on now is that the Lord remove from me those tendencies and build me back up to be more like Elijah, like Jesus Christ.

    And now I'm working on being more mindful of that and working to adjust by mindset and my behavior moving forward.

    Dexter Nelson 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • Pastor Mark, please consider to make your video sermon open source, it may be interesting to many languages. Copyright sucks for sermon, does not glorify God, or limit spreading the word

    Sofa Kritic 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder
  • Excellent word. Loved it.

    GTM 16 de abril de 2023 13:26 Responder

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