12 A Verdade sobre o Juízo – (Estudo Bíblico no YouTube – Tema 12)

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  • Playlist completa https://bit.ly/2ZQfn3l​ – Estudos AQUI http://bit.ly/2LS5MTU

    @pregacaoadventista 6 de junho de 2024 02:44 Responder
  • Que DEUS nos abençoe e nos dê a salvação em nome do SENHOR JESUS CRISTO 👣🌎💫💝🙏🏾😇🙌🏾

    @Spancao 6 de junho de 2024 02:44 Responder
  • Compartilhando agora.

    1,2,3 e já!

    Deus abençoe a sua vida.

    @sanmunierlima4152 6 de junho de 2024 02:44 Responder
  • Amém

    @shirleisilva6891 6 de junho de 2024 02:44 Responder
  • Estes estudos não devem acabar, precisamos terminar a obra que DEUS nos mandou.
    Estou enviando para todos os meus amigos do Facebook e do Whatsap. Obrigado.

    @hildegardmoser4012 6 de junho de 2024 02:44 Responder
  • Por favor irmãos não pare de enviar estes estudos, está sendo uma benção, por meio dele estou dando estudo bíblico, e está sendo ótimo e os resultados satisfatórios. Amém por este canal abençoado e os que estão por trás dele. Louvado seja Deus 🙌🙏👏👏👏

    @marcosmc6213 6 de junho de 2024 02:44 Responder
  • Very important information. You say they took us to hell in the presence of God . why don't you use your mind ? …All beauties are waiting for you, you will be very happy … nothing will be the same as my words may sound like a joke to you ….i'm god's revenge sword..They will learn this too ..THE Wrath of God has come .. you need a mind to understand …Damn those who slander God and deny their words … Except for those who believe in the words of God and obey her commands …There are many who want to go to hell. I only report the facts .. fame, money won't save you . obedience to god only saves .. You are waiting for God's punishment, you will love it very much.. the punishment is too close ..I guess nobody wants to get rid of…I am doing my duty . The knowledge given by the devil is .Nostradamus's prophecy is frightening 3rd World War and Turkey. watch with subtitles It also describes the expected savior https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5cw0jaLtfI .. If religious scholars had knowledge, he would not remain without faith.. imam mahdı … the cats get precise information about the existence of god.undeniable evidence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0HrgNxpqRk&feature=youtu.be... I warned the devil side before people…they obeyed what I said..they do whatever I say..they fear god…Can you think about what to do?..the enemy of god is my enemy..give up slandering god..don't say she didn't say. scholars of religion you are waiting for god's torment, don't worry too close …you will learn the cost of slander god MATTA 24-27 “Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You look like whitewashed graves that look beautiful on the outside, but are filled with dead bones and all kinds of filth. 28 You appear outwardly towards people, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and malice..Let those who do not obey what I say burn in hell forever.. I am your order . obedience to me is obedience to god ..You are an enemy of God, as long as you don't do what the god says.. Angel writes what she does .. the end of many is very close..you ignore the facts… are you ready for the torture of god… scholars you are going to hell..you are taking people to hell..ask god forgiveness..tell people the truth..otherwise wait for god's punishment..I am the light of god..I show you the way of salvation..I was written in the scriptures..She brought out a powerful savior for us from David's line (Luke, 1: 69-71)save your loved ones and yourself..god will take revenge… I am the savior written in the scriptures….
    God's punishment has come, you don't even realize, the world has cheated on you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_smQUFCKUX8&t=28s estas llevando gente al infierno .no ocultes los hechos .Soy el ultimo estímulo.. .Jesucristo no está muerto, dijiste ¿por qué está muerto?.aprender los hechos ..mensaje del salvador..sálvate a ti mismo y a tus seres queridos del tormento eterno https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOZYj5lmuTA&feature=youtu.be Jesus não está morto..a chegada dele está muito perto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFl0Cb1C7ks&t=3s Иисус не умер, его прибытие очень близко..3 мировые войны и факты.сообщение спасителя https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXdbOAGo6sg&feature=youtu.be Ісус Христос не помер, написано його від'їзд..3 світові війни..факти, які ви знаєте https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbbv2IbzxeU&feature=youtu.be

    @aslankaranlik589 6 de junho de 2024 02:44 Responder
  • 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    @pedrodaniel6494 6 de junho de 2024 02:44 Responder
  • Amém obrigado senhor jesus

    @mauromendonca30 6 de junho de 2024 02:44 Responder

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